Ooo The Bad Guys

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The dome slid open with a hiss, steam curling from within. The person strapped inside had a wild, if not crazy, grin plastered on their sweaty face.

"That was the last one, Albrecht," a voice called with a German accent. It was a man who carried himself with authority, badges and medals gleaming on his uniform. A red octopus was stamped onto his shoulder as if mocking the person in his presence. "You feeling alright?"

"Feeling great," the person, a boy, said as the straps were released. He stumbled across the dimly lit room in his bare feet, leaving footprints behind on the stone-cold floor. He only wore a loose cotton undershirt and black shorts.

The man put a proud hand on his shoulder, looking down his nose at the boy with respect. The boy puffed out his chest and stared up at the man with earnest green eyes. They were a bright green, unlike the soft brown they had been a year ago. "You have passed these trials with great courage, bravery, and a savagery I have seen in few soldiers. You will make a fine asset to HYDRA. Your father would be proud."

The boy smiled and he brushed a lock of black hair behind his ear. "Thank you, sir," he said without a hint of emotion in his voice. "That means a lot to me."

The man gave the boy's arm a few pats and he turned, hands clasping behind his back. "Prepare the suit!" he announced. "Wir sind bereit."

"Danke," Albrecht breathed, bowing deeply.

"Don't mention it," the man drawled with a smirk. "HYDRA needs a schlange like you."

On the computer, two profiles of teenage boys were brought up. One had dark brown hair with matching eyes and an uncertain smile on his face, while the other had a wild grin and sandy blonde hair to match.

"Ready for your first mission?" another man asked as he approached. He had a heavy German accent and an even heavier weight. "You intercept brother. Learn about spider. Report back soon as possible."

"Yes, sir." Albrecht gave a nod.

"HYDRA," the authoritative man started slowly, "is about to get something wonderful."

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