Lost Boy

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Harley barely had time to get over one surgery before he went into another.

He'd had three so far, each more painful and yet supposedly more helpful. His leg felt super weird; he couldn't feel it exactly, yet it was tingly and sore at the same time. He only tried to move it once, which resulted in black spots dancing in front of his eyes, needles lacing their way up his spine, and him passing out for a few moments. He decided not to move it again.

He didn't really care about anything anymore. He was numb on the inside---what else did he have to care about? Doctor tells him he won't be able to walk normally again? He'd shrugged it off, thinking of nothing but his siblings.

He couldn't really believe that they were gone--they were only away for awhile, right? Maybe Morgan was at her first sleepover party (Avenger ones don't count) and Peter was at a decathlon meet.

They would never leave him... They couldn't be gone, could they?


"There's the artificial iliotibial tract, and there is some of the metal holding your shattered bones together while they heal."

Harley glanced from his heavily bandaged limb to the x-ray the doctor was showing him.

"When can he walk on it?" Pepper asked tersely, squeezing Harley's hand. It seemed she hadn't dropped it for the last two weeks.

The doctor sighed, pushing his round glasses up his nose. "Well, his nerves and muscles were essentially ripped apart--"

The wonderful sound effects of Tony puking in the bathroom.

"--so probably not for a long time, not until he can fully heal and we can get him the proper supports."

What's that supposed to mean?

"Sorry," Tony slurred as he stumbled into the room, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "What'd I miss?"

Harley tapped his finger against Pepper's hand in thought. "Not much. Just my future. And you're over there puking."

"Sorry," he groaned, rubbing at his eyes with his germy hand. "I know. I'm trying my best."

"Tony," Pepper hissed in his ear, unaware of how loud she was being, "just suck it up. He needs you right now."

Tony gave a nod and strolled over to the other side of the bed, running a hand through Harley's greasy hair. Pepper had been using her dry shampoo on it, but there was only so much she could do until he was discharged or got to use the showers.

A nurse poked her head into their room, eyes darting around until they landed on the doctor.

"Dr. Espinosa!" she squeaked. "You're needed in the operating room!"

The doctor stood, handing the x-ray to Pepper. "I'm so sorry, I have to go. A lot of work to do these days, I hope you understand."

Pepper nodded tearfully.

"Let me know if there's anything else you need. I'll be back shortly."

As he left, Harley heard a patient calling for the doctor in the hall. It was a child asking him about her parents, wondering where they were and begging him to make her feel better.

Harley released his hold on Pepper's hand and rubbed at his eyes. He was being so selfish, just sitting here in bed. There were people out there who needed his help.

"You wanna eat something, honey?" Pepper asked softly, her soft yet intense gaze studying his expressions. He drew out a long sigh from the depths of himself, leaning back against his pillow and groaning.

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