More Chicken

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"We think it's safe to let you go back to the Roberts' now."

Gwen blinked in surprise at Tony's announcement. They were gathered around the Starks' private kitchen table with Chick fil A spread out before them like a heavenly array of chicken nuggets.

"Really? Why?"

Tony took a sip from his coke. "It's been six weeks, HYDRA hasn't done anything." Gwen nearly choked on her chicken nugget. Six weeks?! How had it been six weeks already? Time had flown---bungee jumping, talking, and sharing stories with Harley. "You'll have to be watched by S.H.I.E.L.D. at all times, of course, and have at least three tracking devices on you."


Harley squeezed her hand underneath the table. "I think it's a huge improvement, Gwen."

"Yeah." Tony slid a little box to her over the table. "There's your first. The second'll be your new iron suit, which no one seemed to bother telling me about, and the third can be your Stark watch you got a couple years ago."

She opened the box cautiously, gaping at the little stud earings inside. "These are tracking devices? Thanks, Tony! This is so cool!"

Tony nodded to Harley, who gave a bashful grin. "It was Motorcycle's idea. Not too obvious for anyone to steal, right?"

"Yeah!" She released Harley's hand for a moment to put them in. "Thanks, Harl."

Harley blushed. "No problem."

"Now, Gwen, I hope you understand this comes with limitations," Tony added. "I don't want you to be chaperoned anywhere except for dance and school, do you understand?"

Gwen nodded, knowing that the man couldn't do anything much more if she wanted to be protected. And she had no plans to become HYDRA's new little experiment. "Yes, sir."

"Great. I was worried you'd be like Peter and complain about it, saying you have to go on patrol all the time." Nobody laughed. "Anyway, I see this is a thing now?" He gestured to her and Harley, who had held hands under the table again. Harley stuttered.

"Tony, we haven't really---"

"I mean, we just---"

"If we had a little more---"

Tony held up his hand. "Spare me the teen love story. I don't want you sneaking out to see him or anything, got it? If he wants to see you, then he can visit you at dance."

They both nodded, pulling their hands into their laps.

"Good. Now go get your things."


Gwen stood at the steps before Happy's car, unable to believe she was really able to go back home after so long. She'd just gotten used to being able to walk down the hall and talk to Harley. She hoped they wouldn't grow apart after this.

"Don't forget about me, 'kay?" he joked, staggering down the steps. Tony squeezed onto his arm to make sure he didn't fall again.

"How could I?" Gwen stepped closer to him, debating whether or not she should kiss his cheek or something. She decided against it. "You're coming to dance. Every day I have it."

"Duh. What else would I be doing all day?" Tony cleared his throat and Harley sighed, cringing. "I mean, if I have PT that day, I won't be able to go, and I probably won't be allowed to spend all day there."

"Just come when you can." Gwen stepped forward and hugged him tightly, breathing in his now-familiar scent. He wrapped his free arm around her, filling her with comfort. "And don't worry, Tony. I'm not going to sneak out on patrol all the time. I'm not--I'm not like other spider-heroes."

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