Rage is Always Directed Into a Mirror

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A/N: This sucks of me. I'm sorry. I might as well call this book broken promise. School is just a horrible invention.
There's literally no reason I pasted this song into this chapter other than the fact that I think it'd be a cool battle song. And I listened to it on loop while re-reading this chapter to make sure it was suitable for you poor souls who had to wait 3 weeks longer than promised. It's not the finale, that's just the song title. Don't panic.

Please accept my apology PopTart :)

As Dr. Strange sucked up all the water that was flooding into the battlefield into a giant cyclone, Peter was surrounded by a horde of aliens, fighting for his life.

"I got this," he told himself, powering up his fist and punching a few into the air with one smack. "I got this..."

Exhaustion from the usage of his powers overwhelmed him and his advantage started to dwindle as he slowly shrank down, getting buried underneath the aliens. His hands started to fizzle, and something in the Infinity gauntlet gave him a little zap.

I don't got this, he decided.

"Help!" he yelled, hoping the comms would pick up his desperate and unmanly plea. "Somebody, help!"

"Peter, my spider liege dude, heads up," the deep voice of Thor buzzed in his ear. As he turned his eyes to the sky, he sensed something about to soar past. Shooting a strand of webs over his head, he caught the end of Thor's hammer. The thing dragged him through the sky and he gave another unmanly yell as he felt the ground disappear beneath him, battles flashing by all around him.

He relaxed after a moment, kicking his legs in the air. This wasn't so bad. He could almost---

A giant blue laser beam from the ship burned through his webs and his connection was lost. He heard someone screaming as he fell, but a pair of blue armored hands grabbed onto him.

"I've got you, Pete," his mother's voice said. He grabbed onto her shoulder with his free hand, feeling a sense of comfort envelop him. His mom wasn't going to let anything happen to him; that he knew.

Just as he got comfortable, a laser drew too close for comfort and his mom launched him up into the sky at a giant flying white horse thing.

"Woah!" He webbed himself onto its back, behind a warrior-princess lady. "Nice to meet you! I'm---"

His greeting was cut off by yet another one of those dumb lasers. The horse reared back, throwing him from its back and propelling him straight to the ground. He clutched the gauntlet close to his chest, using his suit's extra legs to break his fall. Something hot slammed into him and he was falling again.

Everything was so loud. So bright. Loud. All he wanted to do was go home.

When he gained his bearings, looking around wildly, he saw he was in a divot in the ground. Other heroes were taken down in a similar fashion left and right. Explosions, yells, screams---

And then, suddenly, it just stopped. Silence. Pure bliss.

Peter watched as the horrid laser cannons on the ship above twisted and began firing into the sky. The blue lights disappeared into the clouds, illuminating them. He thought he saw a faint glowing shadow.

A streak of fire suddenly sliced through the alien spaceship like it was a piece of butter. Fire blossomed and smoke plumed up into the air as the glowing sphere dove in for another attack. After mere seconds, the entire ship was a sinking rock. It slammed into the water, the spray ballooning up and joining Dr. Strange's cyclone-collection.

"Danvers," Tony said over the radio, "quit playing games! We need some help down here!"

The light, which turned out to be a woman, landed right in front of Peter. He realized how tightly he was holding onto the gauntlet and how small he had curled himself up to be. He could feel a salty warmth drooling out of one of his nostrils. But he was in awe of this woman, of this machine, who had just single-handedly saved all their butts and taken down Thanos' biggest ship.

~Broken Family~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن