Mr. Stank...

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The feeling started in his stomach.

At first, he thought it might've been those month-old cupcakes he'd had for breakfast with Morgan, but then the feeling had spread to the rest of his body.

And his spidey-sense was on fire.

It screamed about death and pain, and Peter was instantly filled with terror.

His fingers and toes were the first things to start tingling as Mr. Stark watched the others blow into piles of dust. Would Mr. Stark turn to dust, too?!

"Stark," Dr. Strange called, slowly lifting two fingers.

Peter blinked hard to clear his vision, and Dr. Strange was gone.

A roll of pain crashed through Peter's body. He could feel his very molecules trying to rip each other apart, struggling thanks to his good old superpowers trying to stitch them back together. But the ripping was happening too fast, and he held back a sob as he realized what was going to happen.

"Dad?" he called hesitantly through the tearing pain, the word slipping out of his mouth before he had the chance to filter it. Mr. Stark's head whipped around in horror and he stared at him as if he expected Peter to drop dead. "I don't feel so good."

He held out his shaking arms and tried not to cry. He was supposed to be brave, what would Tony Stark say if Peter started bawling?

"You're alright," Tony tried to reassure him.

Peter swayed on his feet, feeling faint as another spasm of pure pain wracked him. What was happening?

You're dying! a voice shouted in his mind. Peter looked up at his father, practically able to see the tears welling in his own big brown eyes.

"I--I don't know what's happening," he stammered, choking up as he stumbled over to him. Each step felt so heavy, like cement blocks were tied to his feet.

He found himself collapsing in his father's arms, gripping desperately to his one last link in this world. He feared if he let go, he'd blow away, simply vanish just like the others.

Despite trying to hold his terror in, Peter totally broke down. He was half-sobbing from both terror and pain now, clinging onto his dad for dear life. He didn't know what words were leaving his mouth, all that mattered was that his dad stayed, made sure that Peter didn't blow away.

"I don't want to go. I don't want to go. Dad, please. I don't wanna go...I don't wanna go..."

His dad eased him to the ground. He stared up at the dusty, orange sky, and his dad's face staring down at him. Something glistened in his eyes, his face morphed into a look of pure desperation. He gripped Peter's shoulders tightly, as if warning him not to disappear.

"Nonono!" he begged, squeezing Peter's shoulders. His breath trembled against Peter's quickly numbing skin, coming in quick gasps as he panicked. Peter felt a stab of pity for him. Mr. Stark didn't deserve this. "Stay with me, Peter!"

Peter took what would probably be his last breath and forced himself to look into Tony's tear-filled eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

And he faded away.

~Broken Family~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ