Chapter 16: The Roost

Começar do início

"Y-Yes that's her!" Said Mei.

"Where did you see her?" Asked Alex.

"Um, I saw her heading towards the west side of the city." She said.

"West side? Damn. She's on the comple opposite side of us." Said Alex.

"That must be why most of the children haven't seen her." Said Mei.

"Regardless, thank you a ton kid." Said Alex as he headpatted the girl's head.

"U-Um, before you go I heard from Sora that you two can fight Honkai Beasts. Can you help me find something? I lost a ruby pendant with a silver chain. When I had saw that girl, a giant purple Honkai Beast attacked and I lost the pendant in panic. It's at the east square. It's filed with beasts so I can't get close." She said.

"No worries. We'll get it for you." Said Mei as Alex nodded.

With that, the two would inform Tesla of their short trip as the redhead would just tell them to be careful.

They'd leave the Roost and safe zone as they eventually arrived at the east square of the city as the area had a group of beasts roaming around.

Alex would take on the beasts on his own as Mei kept her distance and continued the search.

Right as he finished taking them down, Mei would call Alex as she held what seemed like the aforementioned pendant in her hand.

With the job done, the two went back to the safe zone and arrived at the Roost as they made their way to the girl.

"Here." Said Mei as she handed it to her.

The girl would open the pendant as she had a somber smile.

"" She said.

"Make sure not to lose it again kay? I can tell it's important." Said Alex as she nodded.

"Thank you. That girl you mentioned before, her name was Kiana right?"

"Yes. Is there something else you know?" Asked Mei.

"She looked very sad when I saw her, but I couldn't tell for sure. We were far away." She said.

Mei gained a sad expression, looking down to the ground as Alex would thank the girl before he placed on Mei's shoulder as the two walked away.

"Hey. It'll all be okay. We're gonna get her back. For real this time." Said Alex with a confident smile as Mei looked at him before cracking a small smile herself.

As the sun was slowly beginning to set, the two would approach Tesla to see what she had done during all this time.

"Doctor. Anything new on your side?" Asked Alex.

"While you two were busy, I went to the last scanning location and gave it a second go around but got nothing in return. It seems like Kiana's left the east side." She said.

"Me and Alex asked around the Roost and one kid said they had seen her heading towards the west side of the city. We should start moving at once and search there now." Said Mei but Tesla quickly shot that idea down.

"Mei. I understand you wanna find Kiana as soon as possible but it's getting dark. Let's call it a day and resume the search tomorrow." She said.


Mei looked towards Alex for an answer as the boy awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry, but I agree with the doctor Mei. Nagazora is already dangerous as is. Going out there at night would be a crazy risk. We know she's out there so we're guaranteed to find her soon. For once we're a step ahead of Schicksal. Let's not waste this rare oppurtunity by taking unnecessary risks." He said as Tesla nodded.

Mei remained silent for a bit before nodding in agreement however she still wasn't fully committed to calling it a day just yet.

"There's still a few hours before the sun sets right? That means I can still do some scouting." She said.

Tesla just sighed knowing she wasn't gonna fully change her mind.

"Just make sure to get back before nightfall." She said.

"Thank you. One more thing, can we help the children here?"

"I'll talk to the Mophead and see what we can do. The Salt Lake Base recently took in some orphans so we're low on medical supplies. We're gonna have to talk to their sensei since I'm afraid our assistance will be quite limited."

With that, Tesla walked off as Mei looked over at Alex as the boy just nodded, already knowing that she wanted him to go.

The two would then seek out Sora as they asked her about the west side of the city.

"You're gonna have to cross the Nagazora wall to get there. Let me lead the way. It's easy to get lost there." She said.

The two nodded and followed Sora.

The trip would take a decent amount of hours as once they had finally arrived at the path that lead straight to the wall, nightfall was only a few minutes away.

"There's the wall. Past that is the west side of Nagazora." Said Sora as Alex looked around and noticed how much darker it had gotten now.

"It's getting really dark now. We should wrap this up and head back." He said as Mei nodded before turning to face Sora.

"Sora. Do you mind coming with us to the Helios and getting a health exam? We can have dinner together. You've helped us out so much today after all so I feel you deserve something." Said Mei.

"Really? It feels bad saying this but we only ever have canned food at the Roost. I've always wanted to try something else." She excitedly said.

"Alright then. Let's go." Said Mei as the trio left the area and made their way back to the Helios, officially marking the end of their first day in Nagazora.


Chapter 16: Complete

Honkai Impact: Road To NagazoraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora