Chapter 4: Catching Up To Now

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[Months Later]

On the outskirts of Arc City, a large area had been ravaged by numerous Honkai Beasts as the city's armed forces and mechs were taken down, with all the men being forced to back off.

"D-Dammit we can't hold on for much longer! They just keep coming!" Said the commander of the squadron as they all kept firing at the beasts.

"H-Hey wait! Look up there who is that!?" Said one of the men pointing up at a piece of rubble.

They all looked to see the fain silhouette of a figure before it instantly vanished.

As that happened, the commander felt a pat on his shoulder as he turned to see non other than Alex as the boy ran on ahead in front of them as he withdrew his sword.

"Everyone here fall back. Don't worry about me I got this." He said, looking back to the squadron and giving them a thumbs up.

The commander agreed as he and his men fell back as they all ran away.

Once they were out of sight, Alex approached the group of Honkai Beasts before whistling.

Just then, the silhouette from earlier landed next to Alex as the silhouette turned out to be Kiana.

"Ready to rock?" Asked Alex.

Kiana simply nodded as she withdrew her two hand guns.

"Let's roll." She said.

The two began to taken down the group of Honkai Beasts one by one as the numbers began to dwindle.

Eventually one was left as Alex charged at it, baiting it to charge back.

When it did, Alex immediately stepped aside.

"Kiana you finish!" He said.

The girl nodded as her two handguns began to glow before Kiana then merged them together and formed her own sword as she charged at and began to deal multiple critical slashes on the beast.

It didn't take long until the beast had been slained, as Kiana's sword reverted back into two handguns as she put them away.

Kiana turned and spotted Alex approaching her as she smiled and gave him a peace sign until she suddenly held her head in pain as the boy quickly rushed to her side.

"H-Hey you good? You didn't push yourself right?" He asked.

"I-I'm fine. Just a slight migraine that's all." She said.

"Get going you two. We've been here for too long." Said a voice through both of their heads that sounded oddly like Fu Hua.

"Right. Come on Kiana let's go." Said Alex.

The girl nodded as the two immediately ran off.

[Flashback: Months Ago]

Kiana sat on Alex's couch as the boy laid on her conked out after what had happened on the highway.

The girl still couldn't comprehend what had happened, why she saw Himeko walk past her, but most importantly the girl was interested in the new form she had gotten.

Gone was her usual white and orange bodysuit as she now wore a black coat over a black and white suit, black and white gloves, a white belt, a black thigh boot on her right leg and and a black shoe on her left.

Her white hair was now let down all the way down instead of being tied into two twin braids, as she noticed in a mirror that her eyes were no longer both blue as now only her left eye was blue while her right eye was orange.

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