1- This is a new start; Right?

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This takes place in season 5 because I like the plot there better. (Honestly, I Have no idea, I'm just writing."

Her name is Nova Belle Hart-McCall. She loved her name because it sounded cool. She was tall for girls, she was 5'8. She's a brunette, and she has piercings. She's also a vampire. 

She has a Vertical Labret(middle lip) and many on her ears to even go through them, She has a septum and her right nostril is pierced. 

Her father, whom she hates, just went to jail. Funny enough, he was a sheriff. Good for him. So, now? She has to go to her mom's. Whom she's never met! So, now she was at the airport. 

She walks through the gate looking around at all the people. She holds her a little tighter onto her suitcase due to her reckless nerves. She hated her anxiety with a passion, but if she didn't have it she wouldn't have crazy-ass reflexes

"Are you telling me you have no idea what your sister looks like?" a scrawny man says to another tall man.

Nova laughs in response. "The cute one has a point." The scrawny's eyes go wide and his face turns red. His friend smirks at him. "What's the cute one's name?" 

"He won't be able to talk for a bit...His name is Stiles, and I'm Scott McCall."

Nova's eyes go wide at the last name. "My mom's last name is McCall, I'm supposed to meet her here. Melissa McCall is her name. I'm Nova by the way."

"That's his mom," Stiles blurts out. He gestures to Scott.

Nova's head snaps to Stiles and smiles, "So he speaks. You were wrong Scotty," Nova teases them both. "And that's impossible, I don't have a brother."

"Just call Momma Melissa, it'll make things easier." Stiles facepalms. Nova stares at him, low-key checking him out. Not low-key because Scott raises his eyebrow at her. 

"I can't she got called in on shift." Scott shrugs.

"I have a solution, I have her number. So, let's compare."

"Your sister is smart, I like her," Stiles confirms nodding his head. He crosses his arms and looks at Scott. 

They exchanged the numbers which confirmed that he was her brother. Nova looks up to Scott, "Well, Scotty! Take me home! I wanna watch Captain America for the 16th hundred times."

"She's better than you Scott; It's confirmed."

They start walking and she feels an arm around her shoulder. "So, you like Marvel... Do you like Star Wars?" 

Novs confirms this with a small nod. "It's been a bit since I watched some of the movies, but I guess." Scott looks at her and removes Stiles' arm from her. She smiled at him as a thank you.

"We will work on it," Stiles shrugs. 

They got to the car, which was a blue Jeep. Stiles gets in the driver and Nova pushes Scott out of the way so she can get the passenger. He rolls his eyes but smiles, grabbing her bags and putting them in the back. Nova glances at Stiles' who happens to be staring at her. His jaw was dropped. Her eyebrows raise, and she breathes in. Bad idea because that calms me down. Plus, she smelt him. His breath smells fresh from toothpaste, his shirt of car oil, and a tree-like smell, with a bit of husk into it. She guessed he takes care of this jeep, which is kind of attractive. Way different from people back home.

Nova gets shut out of her thoughts when one of the back doors slams shut. Stiles shakes his head, brings him out of his 'own' thoughts, and starts the engine.

The triad talks while they head home, attempting to get to know each other. Surprisingly, Stiles' driving wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be. It was way better than her 'dad's'.

They continue to hang out when they get home, as well. They help Nova with her new room, along with a lot of Nova being flirty with Stiles'.

Started: 9/13/23
Finished: 9/13/23
Last Edited: 12/11/23
Published: 9/13/23
Word count: 706

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