Act according to plan

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"William", Albert said in a rather stern voice.
"Yeah?" William asked, not knowing why Albert was being so serious.
"Can I ask you something?" Albert asked, his voice staying stern.
"Yes, what is it?" William asked, now sounding more cautious.
"Why have you been meeting up with Sherlock Holmes lately?" Albert asked.

This topic seemed like something that'd bother Louis, not Albert so William came to the conclusion that Albert was asking for Louis just in case.

"Well, it's good to know the enemy's actions and plans", William replied.

Yes, enemy. Sherlock is the enemy. There wouldn't be a time where Sherlock and William could every be friends. They're enemies. And if Sherlock found out about William being the Lord of Crime, Sherlock would probably stop what the two had between them.

It scared William.

"I understand that, but isn't it better for the plan to stay away from Sherlock for now?" Albert asked.
"I guess", William said.

Albert didn't want to continue the conversation any further so he left William alone in his room.

William watched as Albert left the room. He sighed heavily and sat down on his bed.

It was true. He should stop hanging out with Sherlock. It was for the plan. There wasn't any point in keeping their friendship anyway.

William also knew it was better to end what he had with Sherlock because it was better for Sherlock as well. It would ruin Sherlock's reputation if people found out that he was hanging out with the Lord of Crime.

He would stop what they had. For Sherlock.

William stood up from the comfy bed. He walked with heavy steps out of the mansion to go look for Sherlock.

William didn't pay any attention to the cold air outside. He couldn't be bothered.

All he could think of right now was the heavy feeling in his heart. Of having to leave Sherlock.

The feeling made his legs feel heavy and it was a real challenge to keep moving.

The feeling made him feel like he was drowning. He wanted to throw up.

William dragged his legs along with his body. He really didn't want to actually find Sherlock. He was really hoping that Sherlock was solving a case somewhere far away and William could use that as an excuse to not talk to Sherlock.

But today wasn't William's lucky day.

There the blue haired man was. Leaning against a wooden railing of a small bridge, over a small river.

William honestly wanted just to walk away and make sure to never meet up with Sherlock ever again.

But it was too late. Sherlock already had noticed William.

"Liam!" Sherlock called out as he walked to the math professor.

"Oh, hi", William responded. He was playing with the corner of his shirt but managed to keep eye contact with Sherlock.

"Sherlock. We can't meet up anymore", William continued before Sherlock could say anything to stop William.

"But why?" Sherlock asked in slight shock.
"We can't. I can't", William said, the drowning feeling only growing inside him.
"But-" Sherlock started but William cut him off:
"No. We can't. This is the end."

And to that William left the place. He didn't even want to see Sherlock's face. It would hurt him way too much.

Sherlock just stood there. He didn't know how to react. Had he done something wrong? Did he hurt William in any way? That's not what he wanted.

He felt like William was the only one who actually understood him. He didn't want to lose what they had.

But Sherlock didn't know what to do so he just stared at the back of William who was walking away from him.

As soon as William was far enough that he knew that Sherlock didn't see him, he started running.

He ran all the way back to his home, the heavy feeling making it feel like he'd trip and fall through the ground and just sink to a ocean of regret.

But it was the end.

Now it was the detective, Mr. Holmes and the Lord of Crime, Mr. Moriarty.

No more Sherly and Liam.

No more Sherliam.


I've been writing too much happy stuff and fluff. It was time for angst! Woo!

Please go eat something or I will take your loved ones hostage. :)

Take care!! <3

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