Case at Moriarty's pt. 3

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"But why would the come here to communicate?" William thought to himself. "Yeah, they could've just met up, rather than to break in to your house", Sherlock said.

"Unless.." Sherlock started as he suddenly got an idea. "Unless they wanted every single house between this library and your house to see the conversation. What if it isn't just one or two people... What if it's everyone we can see from here!" Sherlock explained.

And at that moment a loud crash was heard from the ladders that lead to the tower. William was quicker to act and he rushed to the entrance. "Blocked", he reported.

Sherlock made his way back to the window and tried to look down. He stepped away from the window, his eyes wide. William looked at Sherlock's horrified expression and then looked down too.

Down, at the library's door there were dozens of people. Most of them were holding torches or something of the sort but one of them holding a sign that said "You've lost. You're the worst detective ever."

"Wow, they're planning to burn us alive and they have a sign that spreads false rumors? Unbelievable", William said with a sigh. "Come on, let's leave", he continued. "How?.. Ohh", Sherlock realized before William could answer his question.

"Step away from the window for a second", Sherlock ordered and William stepped behind Sherlock. He kind of wanted to lean against Sherlock now that he was there but he knew this wasn't the time for that.

While William was daydreaming Sherlock had grabbed a book and thrown it, breaking the window. "Come on", he said and grabbed William's hand, leading him to the window.

William felt his heart flutter when Sherlock took his hand in marria- nothing. William had to again do his best to focus on what was happening.

"They're actually trying to burn us alive, the room is getting hotter", Sherlock said. He stood beside the window and signaled William to come closer.

William climbed out of the window to the roof, he wasn't even slightly scared of the danger, he was too busy comparing, which one was hotter, the room or how well Sherlock acted under pressure.

Sherlock climbed to the roof after William. He had to take a few seconds to appreciate how pretty William looked in the crimson lightning of the flames. Thinking of the flames reminded Sherlock of the actual danger beneath then.

"We can use that tree to climb down", William said as he pointed to a tree. To those words, the realization hit both of the two. A tree. The fire might easily spread all around the town.

William and Sherlock didn't waste a second longer. They used to tree to climb down. Sherlock climbed down first and then made sure that William got a safe landing.

"I'll make sure these insane idiots don't burn anything else and you'll get the fire department", William said. His tone was enough to tell Sherlock that he was in no position to object.

So Sherlock ran as fast as he could all the way to the fire department. He wasn't paying attention to getting there, he was trying to figure out why did the people want to burn him and William alive and did they even want to burn William? I mean the sign only insulted Sherlock.

When Sherlock arrived to the fire department he was completely out of breath but managed to say what he was supposed to say and the fire fighters immediately left.

Sherlock sat down on the ground for a second. He had ran uphill all the way there and it was really starting to hit him. His chest hurted and his breath got stuck in his throat. He closed his eyes for second before getting up with a sigh.

Sherlock started jogging back to the area of the fire. The first thing he saw he saw on the crime scene was William. He ran to William and hugged him tightly. "I'm so tired from all that running", Sherlock whined. William ran his fingers through Sherlock's hair.

"My plan worked perfectly. The evidence in the library was burnt and the town people really fell for the shadow messages. I'm glad the blame went on to them and not me. I'm sure the conclusion is that the town people tried to kill, not me wanting to burn the evidence. That's what you call a perfect crime.

And the library is taking even more damage now that the fire department is basically flooding it with water.

Good thing you went to get the fire department so I had my change to make sure all the evidence is actually burnt, Sherly."

What are you growing those eyebags for? It's not like you can use them as actually bags to carry your groceries in. Sleep. Now.

Take care!! <3

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