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William was waiting for his ride back home outside the school he teaches in. The weather was dark and it signalled of an upcoming rain. "Excuse me? Are you Mr. William?" a younger male asked. "Oh, yes that's me. Why?" William smiled at the man. "I was told that you have to walk home since the carriage that was supposed to take you has broken," the male said carelessly and walked away. William sighed but started to walk back home.

As expected it soon started to rain. It started as some light rain that no one really minded but soon it grew heavier. The rain drops fell down to the ground from William's face and hair. He definitely was not enjoying the weather and it was still a long way home. "Isn't that Sherlock's house?" William thinked out loud. "I'm sure I can stay at his place until the weather clears up," William sighed and knocked on the door.

"Liam! What are you doing out in the rain?" Sherlock opened the door and let William in that instant. "My carriage broke so I had to walk," William sighed. "Broke? Are you okay?" Sherlock asked. "Yes, I wasn't in that carriage," William sighed. "Can I take a shower?" William asked after getting his wet coat off. "Yeah, the bathroom is there," Sherlock pointed at a door. William nodded and went to the bathroom.

William closed the door behind him and took a quick shower. He looked around the bathroom for dry clothes and found black shorts and a white hoodie. The hoodie was clearly oversize for him but it was warm and comfy so he kept it on.

William got out of the bathroom and smiled at Sherlock. Sherlock had to take a moment to admire the view of William wearing his hoodie. "Your hair is still wet," Sherlock chuckled after snapping out of it. He walked to the bathroom and grabbed a towel with him as he left.

William sat down on an armchair and Sherlock stood behind him. Sherlock dried William's hair gently. "There!" Sherlock said happily after getting done. "Liam?" William was asleep. Sherlock laughed and walked in front of William. William looked absolutely adorable in Sherlock's eyes. He couldn't help but cup William's cheeks and kiss his forehead.

William woke up in a comfy bed. He felt strong arms wrapped around him softly. William tried to turn around to see if it actually was who he thought it was. "Nooo, don't go," Sherlock's morning voice was deep as he spoke. William chuckled and relaxed more. "The weather's cleared up, I should go," he said.

William tried to get off but Sherlock just held him tighter. "Don't go, the weather isn't that good," Sherlock said. William looked outside, where the sun was shining perfectly.

Don't worry William didn't leave :) and sunny weather IS bad weather for me so :D yes I hate summer. >:(

Sherliam oneshots :) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon