𝑎 𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚

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No, Sherlock didn't like the thunder. He hated the flashbacks it brought back. Every thunder strike made him whimper because of the flashbacks. He was hiding under blankets in his bed, hoping for the sky to clear. Usually, the brave man, was now hoping his dearest  Liam would come home soon, for him to hold. He hoped William would come before he lost all control of his thoughts.

William snapped out the exams he was checking, when the first thunder striked. He turned his head to see the heavy rain banging on the window. William dropped his pen on the table and quickly stormed out of his office to the heavy rain.

"Hello? Oh, Hi William, what brings you here?" Ms. Hudson opened the door. "Nice to see you here Ms. Hudson. I'm visiting Sherlock." William stated and walked right past Ms. Hudson. She was left shocked on how well William behaved even though his coat was soaking wet.

William made sure that Ms. Hudson wasn't looking when he picked Sherlock's lock. "Sherly?" William called to the flat, after closing the door slowly. He heard a loud thunder followed by whimpers from the bedroom. William hurried to the bedroom to see Sherlock shivering in blankets. "Liam?" Sherlock lifted his head up to see William, who threw his wet coat on the floor to cuddle with Sherlock.

As soon as William was close enough for Sherlock to grab, Sherlock pulled him on his lap, inside all the blankets he had gathered. Sherlock pulled the blankets around them both properly and hugged William really tightly.

William felt the warmth of the blankets and Sherlock as soon as Sherlock took him to his arms. William was facing Sherlock and he wrapped his arms around Sherlock's neck. "Can I play with your hair?" William asked already trying to take of Sherlock's hairtie. Sherlock nodded and William let Sherlock's hair down.

Sherlock felt safer now that he was able to basically squeeze William for comfort but still, every single thunder made him whimper. William calmly played with Sherlock's hair, slowly falling asleep. William's calm breathing calmed Sherlock down and Sherlock fell asleep with William tightly in his arms.

Maybe William woke up during the night, but Sherlock felt so warm against his pale skin so he just snuggled closer to Sherlock's chest.

They slept peacefully through the night.

Hope you enjoyed this one! I'm having so much work right now from school and other things so Idk if I can write as much as I want but yeah-
Also, !SPOILER ALERT! I thought it would've been so sweet if in the scene where William and Sherlock fall from the bridge after Sherlock caught William he would've said "As promised, I caught you, Liam." Or something like that, responding to "Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes."


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