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One of the only lights is London came from the office of the best detective known to mankind. The detective was basically drowning in the amount of work he was doing. After checking every single detail of a picture, he either pinned to a board or threw it away. Then he took another picture or just organized everything that related the case he was working in. Writing something here and there. Only two people could understand anything from the little amount of hints the detective had. The detective and the mastermind behind it all. The mastermind in question entered the office.

"Sherly? Are you still working?" William peeked in through the doorframe. "Huh? Liam? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Sherlock asked, not looking away from his work. "I can't." William entered the room, closing the door behind him. "Why so?" Sherlock finally looked up from his work. "Not without you." William smiled. He had dark circles around his perfect eyes. "I really need to finish this but come here." Sherlock said in a sweet tone.

William approached his lower, looking at the clues Sherlock had connected. Sherlock grabbed William and pulled his to sit on Sherlock's lap. William wrapped his legs around Sherlock and laid his head on Sherlock's shoulder. Sherlock caressed his fingers through William's hair, while his other hand went quickly through his work.

"Really the person behind this is some sort of genius." Sherlock sighed to himself. "He gets everyone to play right to his hands." He threw his head back in annoyance. "What do you mean?" William asked. "Oh, you're awake? I have to go somewhere to get even a little clue to this case." Sherlock sighed. William hummed in response. He knew that even if he tried to, Sherlock wouldn't stay.

As soon as Sherlock left, William quickly went through Sherlock's deducing notes to see which clue Sherlock chose to follow. "Oh, that one. He is clever than I remembered." William chuckled to himself.

Sherlock arrived at a dark alleyway. "Hey! Reveal yourself!" He called to they alley. "I haven't got all night." Sherlock sighed.

"Don't you think you're going a bit overboard with this?.." Louis asked William while Fred was making sure the ropes William was tied with were secure. "Not at all. This is the most effective way to get Sherlock away from investigation the obvious." William smiled. Fred left the room to get the noble they hired to make sure 'William won't escape'. The noble was told that William was working with the 'filthy' workers so he had to be tied up and later on burned in that warehouse.

"Jeez, these locks are getting more annoying by the day." Sherlock had gotten the correct warehouse with clues that no one would have even though of noticing. When Sherlock finally picked the lock, he kicked the door in.

In the moonlight Sherlock saw the silhouette of a man standing behind William, who was tied to a chair. William's nose was bleeding and he had a pretty bad looking bruise on his cheek. "Liam?!" Sherlock stormed inside the building. "Not so fast." The man approached Sherlock with a gun held up.

Sherlock was good in combat so William wasn't even worried. He was rather annoyed by the fact he had to let that man hurt him to make it believable. He couldn't wait to see what Sherlock would do to that man.

The man pulled the trigger at the same time Sherlock ducked down. Sherlock placed his hands on the ground steadily and kicked in the direction of the man's legs. The man fell down on his back like a rock. Sherlock was already up and stomped on the man's arm, making the man open his hand and Sherlock grabbing the gun. Sherlock pointed the gun at the man's stomach. "You've made a huge mistake." He said and fired the gun.

Before the man could even place his hand over the wound, Sherlock had already placed his foot over it. Sherlock pressed his foot on to the wound, causing blood to move unevenly to the man's body. The man yelled in pain as Sherlock pressed his foot. Sherlock kicked the man towards a wall. The man hit his head on the wall and passed out. Slowly bleeding to death.

"Liam, are you okay?" Sherlock asked worriedly as he untied William. "I'm fine, don't worry. That was pretty clever though." William noted. "No you're not, but what is?" Sherlock keeped up both of the topics. "Changing your shoes, so it's harder to find you because of what you did to him. And these are just a little wounds, really." William smiled. Sherlock laughed at how well William noticed this little change. "Even though 'they're nothing' I'll take care of them. Let's go, shall we?" Sherlock held out his hand and William grabbed it.

"See Sherlock didn't even remember to investigate the room." Fred whispered to Louis. "I will kill him, if he keeps holding William's hand." Louis didn't listen to Fred at all.

Sherlock held an ice pack on William's cheek. With his other hand he grabbed a wet towel and wiped blood off from below William's nose. "There, that's better." Sherlock kissed William's hand. "Thank you, Sherly." William smiled his signature smile to Sherlock.

A bit later Sherlock took off the ice pack to look at the bruise. "Alright, that's better. Let's go to bed." Sherlock suggested. William nodded and followed Sherlock to their bedroom.

Idk- I just felt like torturing a random person in this chapter (-ω-;)


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