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(Modern teenager AU)

"Really?! Again?! This is why we don't trust you!" Sherlock's mother yelled at him. Sherlock had been in detention once again. He had been late to class and the teacher had gotten really mad because it had been happening a lot lately.

Sherlock walked to his room. It was unfair that his parents yelled at him. Sherlock was the top of not only his class but almost the whole school. The only problem was that he couldn't afford a bus ticket so he often got late.

Sherlock locked his door so his parents couldn't come in the room and say: "Sorry for making you feel sad but it's your fault that..." Sherlock plopped on his bed. He gathered some soft blankets around him and buried himself in the blankets.

Sherlock leaned in the bed with his eyes closed until he heard his phone's notification sound. Sherlock reached out of his blanket best and pulled his phone close to him. 1 new message from 'Liammm <33'. Sherlock had turned from the settings so no one could see what the messages where about unless you unlocked Sherlock's phone.

Sherlyyy, Can you help me with homework? :')

Sherlock knew that if someone it wasn't William, who needed help with homework. William was the only person, who was as good or even better than Sherlock in school.

Which subject? Loneliness?

Sherlock answered. He stared at the text underneath Williams name that said: "Typing..."

NoOo :( Temperature, it's so cold! Can I come there?

Sherlock laughed softly at William's message. To be fair it was winter and freezing outside.

Fineee but come in through my window


Sherlock placed his phone on the wooden nightstand. He adjusted the blankets a bit more so the nest could fit two people. Sherlock got out of his bed and walked over to his window.

William was outside the window in a few minutes. Sherlock opened the window. He picked William up through the window and placed him safely on the floor. Sherlock quickly closed the window again and turned to look at William.

Sherlock climbed on his bed and spread his arms for William to climb on his chest. William laid his head on Sherlock chest. Sherlock wrapped some blankets around then and hugged William tightly. Sherlock stroked William's back gently and gave kisses on the top of his head.

"SHERLOCK!" a yell was heard from outside Sherlock's room. Sherlock sighed. "I'm sorry," he whispered to William gently. Sherlock put his hands over William's ears, so William wouldn't have to listen in the conversation.

"Yeah?" Sherlock said. "Don't just lock yourself in your room! Be productive for once! Is this how you think you'll ever make money?!" His mom's scolding echoed through the room.

William felt Sherlock's hands press against his ears and a little after he felt Sherlock's breathing change to quicker. William placed his hands over Sherlock's ears just like how Sherlock did. They just laid down in the bed like that until Sherlock's breathing calmed down.

"Thank you," Sherlock whispered. William hummed in response. "Can I stay for the night?" He whispered. Sherlock nodded and hugged William tighter.

My teacher was not happy to see me write this in class :') Why haven't you been sleeping by the way? Go to sleep. Please. ALSO I'M SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO SHORT AGAIN!!!


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