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After dinner William and Sherlock were sitting in the luxury green armchair in Moriarty's mansion. "Thank you for the dinner again, Liam." Sherlock looked at William. "The pleasure is all mine." William smiled. I swear that smile can cure all the badness in this cursed world. "Also, thank you for realising that Mark wasn't a real detective." (Mark is from last chapter in case you forgot :)) Sherlock leaned his head in his hands. "Are you tired, Mr. Holmes?" William's voice was warm as he spoke. "Maybe, aren't you?" Sherlock spun his head to look at William. William's eyes we're clearly tired but he managed to smile. "Fine. Don't even try to decline it." Sherlock laughed warmly. "You see everything don't you?" William laughed back. "Of course. As I am not only London's but the world's best detective." Sherlock said proudly. "I really will never get tired of you." William laughed. "Speaking of that, would you like to stay for the night?" William asked. "Like a sleepover? Obviously!" Sherlock held his hand out. "Here, let's go to sleep, you're tired."

Sherlock held William close in William's huge, comfy bed. They didn't think much of it in that way. Or maybe they both secretly hoped it was love. "You seem stressed, everything okay?" Sherlock whispered to William's ear. "Haha, work is just overwhelming." William answered. "Why won't you have a day off with me tomorrow then?" Sherlock caressed his fingers through William's blonde hair. "Don't you have any important cases tomorrow?" William whispered back. "Not as important as spending time with you, Liam." Sherlock's words made William forget all the murders he had committed, he only saw the bright future he was trying his best to make. "Why do you even care about me that much?" William chuckled trying to ease the heaviness the question left in him. "Because I love you, Liam." Sherlock hugged William tighter. "I love you too, 𝘚𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘺." Those words made Sherlock the happiest man alive. Sherlock kissed the top of William's head.

William woke up to Sherlock playing with his hair. He giggled to Sherlock. "Hm?" Sherlock's voice sounded deep even though he didn't say anything. "Is my hair that amusing?" William laughed. "Indeed." The deep voice made William feel safe. "If you get it tangled, you'll be the one brushing it." William said. "Oh, I gladly will." Sherlock laughed. "By the way where are your brothers?" Sherlock let go of William's hair. "Albert has a meeting on a boat over the seas and Luis went with him." William left out the part where a noble dies. Sherlock doesn't need to know that. "I'm hungry, let's go get breakfast shall we?" William looked straight to Sherlock's azure eyes with his red eyes. "As you wish." Sherlock got up from the bed and held his hand out to help William get up. William took his hand and let Sherlock lead him to the grand dining room.

As they were done eating the delicious, filling breakfast, Sherlock suggested that they should go outside for a walk. The air was chilly but not cold. The calm breeze played with Sherlock's ponytail as he walked down the streets with the Lord of crime. They walked around without an actual destination. Both of the gentlemen were enjoying the presence of each other. They talked about anything that came to their minds. Anyone would have been jealous of how well they got along. They stopped at Sherlock's favourite shops, restaurants and cafes that William usually didn't have the time to visit. It was already becoming sunset when they finished dinner.

"What is this place, if I may ask?" William looked around. They were on the rooftop of an abandoned building. The roof was in perfect condition unlike the other building. There were candles around the roof. There were comfy pillows here and there making the rooftop look like the perfect place to relax.

"I come here often if I know Lestrade has a case for me that I don't feel like solving." Sherlock laughed. Sherlock sat down and leaned against a pile of colorful pillows. He spread his other arm, signalling William to sit beside him. William sat down and leaned his head on Sherlock's shoulder. Sherlock wrapped his arm around William.

William looked at the beautiful scenery in front of them. The rooftop was a perfect place. It was high enough for William to see over other buildings around them. The sunset was beautiful. The Thames illuminated the sunset in a gorgeous way. The colors of pink and purple looked stunning against the water.

William felt Sherlock's calm breathing against his hair. He listened to Sherlock's heartbeat. It was the first time in awhile William felt calm. He had been way too focused on his mission to make the world a less horrible place.

I'm so tired lmao- ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS FLUFF I WROTE!! You should go relax now. All the work you need to do is overwhelming but as you see, a break is sometimes just for the best. Have a nice day/night! If it's night, go to sleep, hun <3

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