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"Out of everyone, why would you choose him?!" Louis kept asking. He just simply couldn't believe that William was going out with that annoying detective.

It obviously wasn't the plan to let Louis know and to be honest William didn't even know how he found out but now Louis wouldn't stop bugging William about it. At least it was understandable. Sherlock was their enemy at the moment. He was the person who might find out about them being the Lord of crime.

Finally Louis let out a sigh and stopped following William around the mansion. "Fine. Have fun I guess", he said in an annoyed tone. "But if anything happens I'll be sure to get rid of Sherlock", he continued. The sentence sounded more like Louis wanted to get rid of Sherlock as soon as possible no matter what but good enough.

The scenery was stunning when Sherlock and William sat on a park bench. The calm breeze played with their hair as they chatted about this and that.

"You're just... So amazing, you know? I've never felt a connection with someone like I felt with you. It feels so right. I couldn't even imagine that it'd turn out like this. You're so beautiful, you must have had so many people after you. Why did you choose me?" Sherlock asked in his sweet and warm tone.
"Who else would I choose? Who else has the attractiveness you have? Who else has the charm you have? Who else is as perfect as you are? Who else has the talent you have? The list goes on and on", William responded.

Sherlock felt his cheeks turn red at the compliments. He was so happy to receive such compliments from a beauty like William.

"I'm flattered, thank you", was everything Sherlock could say. William chuckled softly. "You deserve all the compliments after all", he said and leaned against Sherlock's shoulder. Sherlock wrapped his arm around William and gently stroked his hair while they both enjoyed the scenery and each other's presence.

Sherlock felt William's body relax and lean more into him. He pulled William to sit on his lap and wrapped his arms around William. William leaned his head on Sherlock's shoulder and put his arms around Sherlock's neck, allowing  Sherlock to hold him.

They sat like that for a while in peaceful silence. William relaxed more and more in Sherlock's arms, almost falling asleep.

"Tired?" Sherlock asked. William just hummed in response not wanting to lift his head up from Sherlock's shoulder. Sherlock smiled and gently picked William up, carrying him all the way to his place.

He carefully placed William on the bed and got in the bed beside him before pulling the soft blanket over both of them.

William snuggled close to Sherlock's chest and Sherlock wrapped his arms around William comfortably. It didn't take long for both of them to fall asleep in each other's arms. They slept peacefully through the whole night, both feeling safe as ever.

Short one, sorry!

Poor Louis :( let's all feel pity for him now, we can think about how beautiful sherliam is after I'm done writing the next chapter (which will be angst >:))

Take care!! <3

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