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DTD 3.1 | NYANE WALKED into the field of lilies, to her surprise Edward, James, and Roman awaited for her in their best outfits. Nyane couldn't believe her eyes. Over the past year and a half the boys have had their usual Friday nights and they all grew close. To Nyane's surprise, she had found Roman making out with James after Edward had told her the two were going to fight. She figured that the reason why they always fight was because of the tension between each other. The relationship between the four had grown so much more that Nyane barely spent time at her own home. But she didn't expect this.

"What's going on?" Nyane asked shocked as she held onto her white skirt that was dragging on the ground. Nyane was dressed in an all-white two-piece outfit. Her top was a cropped long-sleeve blouse with a matching white sheer skirt. She wore a lace front wig that was pulled back by a white headband. She looked angelic in her mate's eyes. The men stared at her entranced, there was no mistake that they wanted to do this. The light of the morning sun shined down on her making her glow.

Yet Nyane could say the same about the three of them.

James stood there with an irresistible charming smile on his face. His suit was a sleek charcoal gray, a subtle yet captivating choice. His tie was a bold crimson, and he grinned with the confidence of a true stud as he caught Nyane's eye.

Roman had chosen a simple, earth-toned suit that matched his down-to-earth nature. His tie was a soothing forest green, a reflection of his deep connection to nature. He stood with an air of quiet confidence, a warm and inviting smile on his face.

And Edward wore a suit of deep midnight blue. His tie matched the color of the lilies, a stark contrast to his melancholy demeanor. He glanced up at Nyane with a soft, longing look in his brown eyes.

All three of her mates stood in front of her holding a red rose. Though they all looked calm and collected, they were nervous. None of them had done this before. Though they knew that they were mates and meant to be together, they still knew there was a possibility she would say no. She was only eighteen after all.

Nyane stood in front of her mates with a worried look on her face, she could feel how nervous they were. "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine. Great actually! We're so good!" Edward rambled on nervously, his words tumbling over each other. His gaze couldn't help but linger on Nyane's figure, a genuine smile playing on his lips. "You look stunning."

"Stunning doesn't even begin to describe you, my love. Heavenly is what you are." Roman told her picking up her hand and planting a soft kiss on it. Nyane blushed at his comment.

James rolled his eyes at Roman's compliment. He walked over to Nyane and wrapped his arms around her. "You look ravishing, doll." He dipped her down as he kissed her neck making her giggling. He pulled her up and pressed a kiss to her lips. "Delicious."

"Not that I don't enjoy how handsome you boys look," She started with a smile. "But what is going on out here? Why did you have Alice doll me all up?"

"Well let me be the first to start by saying: Nyane we love you, but I can speak for all of us when I say we're nervous. So I'm gonna need you to keep quiet as we do this. Got it?" Edward asked nervous. Nyane nodded her head, her eyebrows confused with worry.

Edward got closer to Nyane and got down on one knee. Nyane covered her mouth with her hands and gasped quietly. "I-"

"Nyane Nimue, ever since I first met you, you have made me believe that I am so much more than just a soulless vampire. That I was worthy of the love and compassion that you give me. Your spirit, grace, and kindness have touched a part of me that I thought died a long time ago. A life without you would be a never-ending winter, leaving me devoid of light and warmth. Nyane, because of you my heart beats for you, and only you. You are my soulmate, my love, my light in the darkness. You complete me in every way, and I cannot imagine a life without you. You are my forever, and I am yours.  Nyane Nimue, will you marry me? Will you join your life with mine in eternal bliss as our love continues to blossom? Will you make me the happiest soul in this world by saying yes?" Edward professed lovingly.

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