Family Reunion

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Doomfist's POV

Ever since Olivia had told me about Masaru's son. I wanted to do a little research on the boy.

I could just ask her to tell me what she knows. But i pefer to do my own research.

The only thing i asked for Oliva was for the security tapes that night.

She walked into my office with a usb in her hand.

Sombra:Here you go Akande. What you asked for. Stolen straight from the archives of Kanezaka's Police Department.

She handed me the usb drive and i inserted it into my laptop. I began to review the footage.

I watched as 5 people and a familar face break into Hashimoto tower and began to fight any in their path.

The thing that caught my attention was the outfits they were wearing.

Doomfist:Why are they wearing such ridiculous outfits?

Sombra:Personally i don't know. Guess it's for them to keep their identity a secert.

Doomfist:That man that's with them, That's Genji Shimada.

I pointed at Genji curious on why an ex-Overwatch agent was helping a group of vigilantes.

Sombra:Is he your old best friend or something?

Doomfist:No, i met him before i went to prison. I almost won that battle if it wasn't for the gorilla.

Sombra:It's so funny to hear how both you and Reyes were easily defeated by a Gorilla.

Doomfist:I will redeem myself for that failure. However the one thing i know about Genji Shimada is his Teacher. Asa Yamagami one of the most talented swordsmasters in the world. Even i have a respect for her. I would've challenged her if it wasn't for Masaru.

Sombra:Well if you'd like i can tell you something about the girl.

Doomfist:Which one the one dressed like a bird or the one with the fox ears?

Sombra:Fox Ears.

Doomfist:Go on as I'm only interested in the boy.

Sombra:That Swordmaster you mentioned well that's her daughter. Kept her in hiding for a long time. Just shows how foolish those Hashimoto's when I'm able to figure out more about her then they ever could.

Doomfist:Asa has a daughter?

Now I'm interested around this girl wearing fox ears. I can tell who she has recieved her training from. However i must continue the search for Masaru's son.

I continued to watch over the footage and noticed strange things happening. Things falling over out of nowhere as if an invisible force was pushing them. People's guns jamming. It almost appeared supernatural.

Doomfist:Sombra explain what is going on here?

Sombra:Not even i can explain what's going on.

The dreaded moment arrived when the last member of the Hashimoto elite came face to face with Yōkai.

She revealed to them that the man wearing that coat and holding weapons that looked like Ksuarigamas. That he was Masaru's son.

I paused the video and looked at him getting a closer look.

Doomfist:That's him.

Sombra:You have a good eye.

Doomfist:From his combat skills he shows potential. He surely isn't like his father especially if he is rebelling against him.

The protectors of Kanezaka (Kiriko x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant