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Pen library>I, little fox, farm red all over the stars! (Crossing)>Volume(94)


Fan dust leaf 2022-02-10 Ctrl+D collection this site

Turn off the lights Small, medium, large, all the way to the bottom

Previous chapter: Divided into volumes (93).Next chapter: Separate volumes (95).

Rong Min didn't sleep all night, originally wanted to cultivate, but sitting in the enchantment could not completely calm down, always worried about Fang Li who was attacking the Demon Emperor Realm, and the efficiency when cultivating was not very high.

When it was almost dawn, he suddenly felt that the spiritual energy in the enchantment seemed to be sucked dry, and he immediately opened his eyes, but in the next moment, the spiritual energy filled back.

Yung Ming:?

After another three seconds, he seemed to feel Fang Li's breath, no, to be precise, he seemed to see Fang Li's figure, a transparent figure, rising higher and higher, getting bigger and bigger, until it melted into the void.

Rong Min couldn't help but look up, is this a successful impact?

The next moment, Jing Hao rushed out of the room, saw that Fang Li's door was still closed, he ran to the living room again, saw Rong Ming, he asked: Uncle Marshal, did you feel the breath of brother Xiao Li just now?

It turns out that Jing Hao also saw it?

Rong Min asked him: Did you see his figure?

Right. So big, so big. Jing Hao stretched out his hand and gestured, and then looked back at Fang Li's door, is Brother Xiao Li successful?

Rong Min thought about it, it should be.

Not only them, but all those who had cultivated through various large and small enchantments felt it.

During breakfast, everyone was talking about this, and some people asked Xia Yang and Xiao Hei if they knew it.

Xia Yang called Rong Ming, and Rong Min asked him to bring breakfast, and he knew that Fang Li had advanced in retreat last night.

Xia Yang asked: Then what did we feel early in the morning?

Rong Min nodded: It should be the picture when he advanced.

Xia Yang's eyes widened, and Xiao Hei next to him also heard it, and several people also heard it, and it spread all of a sudden.

Is it so advanced?

I lean, Teacher Xiao Li has advanced again! Too strong!

After Teacher Xiao Li advanced, he was in the Demon Emperor Realm! According to what Teacher Xiao Li said, this realm Yuan God Imprint Void is equivalent to the human cultivator's incarnation period, demigod!

So strong!

The warriors are very excited, and now the benchmark of cultivation in their hearts is Fang Li, and the stronger Fang Li is, the more they can see the goal and hope.

Xia Yang is also very happy, I can't wait to be there soon, I will come right away!

Xia Yang happily packed two breakfasts and wanted to run to watch the demigods, but after arriving, he didn't even see Fang Li's shadow, and saw Jing Hao and Rong Ming, one on the balcony to endorse, and the other on the living room sofa to handle official business.

Marshal, Xiao Hao, what about Xiao Li?

Jing Hao replied: It will take a few days to come out, saying that he must stabilize his cultivation.

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