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A knock came at the door of Ibrahim's office that he was drifting into his own thought he couldn't hear the knock. The knock came the second time and the third time the person opened the door and walked inside, holding a file and his laptop in his other hands. It was Henry.

Ibrahim realising someone in his office suddenly brought him back to his senses, he looked at the man before him and squeezed his forehead, sighing Inbetween.

"Are you alright sir!?" Henry asked. But Ibrahim didn't answer him, he knew that so much is going on in Ibrahim's head but he didn't know as much as Ibrahim knows. How is he going to look at Khalil when all of this ends? When will summayyah actually come back and why is khalil not even making an attempt make things right, to settle everything with that woman called his ex girlfriend!?


"Did they approve of it?" He asked.

Henry nodded, dropping the files on Ibrahim's table and then the laptop next. He scroll down for ibrahim to review the approval email. He let out a relief sigh and rests on the desk.

"Do you think this will be a bad idea?" He asked Henry!

Henry stayed mute. He has always known that khalil will never and ever ask for help no matter what is going on in his company and now it's already been two years without proceeding they are just going backwards.

"As far as i am concerned, if asking them will strengthen our company then there is nothing to worry about!" Henry said and ibrahim chuckled dryly, nodding against him. "I see why Khalil can not do without you, worry not. I will have a one on one meeting with Mr Faruq, i also heard the oil company are planning to collabo with us and i think if she ever ask you, don't mention the engineering company alright?"

He nodded. "Alright sir!" And with that he left. Ibrahim scrolled through, reviewing it line by line and was taken aback by the last line in the message. 'I would like to have a word with you, privately mr Ibrahim Asraf!' He reads, it made him chuckled and he falls right back on his chair.

"Am i see things now or is he actually asked to have a meeting with me privately? Ha! You got to be kidding me!"

Just then, his phone started to ring. "Hello, Faruq speaking!"

"F... Faruq?" He sat up immediately, stunned.

"I believe you have received my email safely and that the last line wasn't all a show off. I would with all clean heart want to speak to you regarding the company, i mean we can't just approve without getting to know each other? I will treat you to a coffee just let me know the day and..."

"Tomorrow evening, at 4pm!"

Faruq laughed At the end. "You sure are desperate. Until then Mr Ibrahim Asraf, i hope i meet you well!" He said ending the call.

Ibrahim stared at the unknown number before it vanished as he hissed and dropped the phone. "He is an awful taste Walahi! (I swear).

Meanwhile, Khalil was seating on his study desk in the sitting room and going through all his details and Summayyah's as he came across their Nikka picture. They were both not smiling in the picture and anyone could know that this picture and the marriage itself wasn't something they wanted in the first place.

But somehow, Summayyah managed to grin a little which lightened the picture and it just occurred to him that he has never had any of her pictures, not even a single picture and yet if she is in town, why wouldn't she come see him? why wouldn't she even dare call him? Did she really shut him and his family out?

If i could see her again, i will have to apologise, I was so mean to her. She doesn't deserve any of this. If only i knew how important she was in my life and somehow, I wished i jad just been a little bit nicer to her, maybe she would forgive me. but what does baba mean by 'the hard way' it kept bugging him and since then he didn't know what his father is capable of doing, despite being a retired director. He would rather take away his company with his own hands and deprived everyone of it.

But i want the company, I've worked my whole life for this company, i can not loss it like this!

Then what are you doing!? A voice echoed within his head. You've been jobless for the past 2 years, leaving ibrahim to clean the dirt.

Oh ya Allah! Ibrahim would return soon, why do i do!

Damn it! Damn it all...

'I didn't do it walahi, i never thought it would come this far!' He muttered, placing his right palm on his forehead as he massaged it, preventing his migraine from starting again.

He just felt nothing but a loser and he can't even call himself a MAN!

He sighed as he got up from the seat and walked towards the kitchen as he mistakenly missed his steps and  bumped into Aisha which got her startled. "Ya Allah? Lafiya?" (Oh my God? Whats wrong?) She asked him, worried in her tone.

"Oh uh! Its nothing, i just... Inna kika samin magani na?" (Where did you keep my drugs)

"Kan Ka ya fara chiwo Ne?" (Your head has started to ache?) She asked, walking towards the cabinet as she brought out an orange mini basket where his drugs are being kept, Khalil was amazed to see that she actually removed them from the takeaway and even got him a new basket.

A small smile curled up on his lips. "You even got me a basket!"

"Oh yes, i didn't want you to be angry with me like the last time."

He nodded slowly as he reached for it. "Thank you Aisha, and how are you feeling?"

"Feeling? lafiya na kalau!" (I am fine) she asked, rather astonished. He never really asked her questions like this. Is everything okay with him, is my charm working on him already?

"I... I mean, you and the baby?" He pointed at her belly, she quickly gasped in realisation and places her palm on it, rubbing it softly.

"Its fine Alhamdulilah. I hope its going to be a baby girl!" She giggles.

"You want a baby girl?"

She nodded. "They bring two lights into the house and they are another reason their father enters Jannah!" She lectured with glitters in her eyes. She must have been the most happiest person on earth, having to speak to Khalil this long since they have been married a year ago.

On the other side, Khalil finally decided to face what's in front of him and be the Man he was never to summayyah and even though she had moved on so quickly, he also has moved on physically and not emotionally beause he really finds it hard to believe she actually left.

Aisha raised her head to look at him, grinning from side to side, happiness filled within her stomach and he knew, if he was to maltreat her now then he truly never is a man. Therefore, He will be there when Aisha needs him but this heart only belongs to one person. He has never yarned for anyone in his entire life like he does for her and a day will never pass by without uttering her name even once.


I am really feeling bad for Khalil, it's good that he will stop whining over even though he doesn't deserve any of this right. I wish everything will go back as they used to be!  *sniffles*
See you in the next chapter.


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