🥀Thirty~ 4🥀

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By the time Maryam guided those rude men away from Ibrahim and to her office, he breathed out, dusting his shirt as he adjusted his coat. He was angry but he kept breathing in and out to calm his sudden range. Meanwhile, Mr Tony was standing there innocently and watching him. 

"Why didn't you tell me about them?" He asked, staring at his wristwatch. "I... You seemed busy and that is why I didn't want to burden you. I took care of them!"

"For how long have they been coming?" 

"About four months now!"

"Hmm... And I had no idea about it. Does Khalil know?" He asked and Tony quickly shook his head. He can't tell him even though he knew, He might feel cheated. Ibrahim nodded and walked past Tony then stopped. "Get me their names and company's, I want to know what they are engaged with and why this company loans money from brats like them!" He said and without waiting for Tony's response, he disappeared from his sight.

Getting into in side his car, he hits the starry with full annoyance. That bitch got to be kidding me! He hissed. She knew something, yet she just wanted to crumble everything!

Just then a message chimed in his phone, which was coming from Sumayyah.

S. I am here already.

I. I would be there in a minute, sorry!.

He started the car engine immediately and drove to the location sent to him. He was excited but at the same time scared to tell her what has been happening these few years. What if she gets to blame herself for the misfortune of Khalil?

By the time he arrived at the restaurant, he parked at the lot before walking into the restaurant. He scanned around until he met a fair looking lady, seating at the far end of the restaurant, with a black shades on, fitting her chubby face and a white and black fitted suit, waving at him. 

Just by the sight of her, he felt relieved, he felt anew, but he quickly shook it off. "She's someone else's." He mutters, ambling towards her table and taking a seat.

"Assalamu Alaikum, Hajiya Sumayyah!" He greeted her. 

She chuckled. "Wa'alaikumus Salam, Alhaji Ibrahim!" She replied. They both chuckled at their sarcasm before he spoke again. "It's been a long time, who knew I would ever see you again!" He said.

She shrugged. "But you are seeing me now! How have you been?"

"Well!" He sighed heavily resting on the chair. "Good!"

Good? "Just Good? What happened to feeling fantastic?" She asked, dating back to two years ago.

He laughed. "Ha! That was when things were cool, you know, but now. Tough is even an understatement."

"Is there something I need to know?" She solicits worries in her tone as he stares at her in silence, contemplating whether or not to tell her and just let it slide. However, it is his brother they are talking about. The tension grew closer between them as Sumayyah quickly cut off. "Lets order something, may we?" She gestured to him to take a look at the menu in front of him. He nodded and picked his menu.

They spent about 10 minutes trying to choose what they wanted, until Summayyah finally came to a decision. "I will get a slice of sponge cake and a milkshake smoothie."

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