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"Yes, keep all the accounts for me. I will see them all by the time I arrive!" She says over the phone.

"Yes ma'am!" Ali answered before ending the call. She walked through the corridor that leads to the kitchen to meet Rukayyah. She surpassed a smile when their eyes met and got a seat at the dining table. "You are so early and your he...!"

"Health? The baby will want to eat because I am nothing but craving!" Rukayyah mutters, that's when Summayyah notice what Rukayyah was actually eating. "A cold stone? How on earth did you get it this morning?" She asked and Rukayyah winxs at her.

"Don't tell Faruq, i really can't just be eating all those other stuffs, really!" She lamented and sumayyah felt sorry for her, she could remember when Azman was still in her womb not only did he make her add weight but she also loss a lot of blood that if not for this soul seating before her, she wouldn't be standing her. 

Summayyah walked to the fridge and got herself a cup of ice cream and sat beside her. Rukayyah looked at her astonished with the thought that. 'Wouldn't she be late?' "We should eat right?" She asked and Rukayyah grinned ear to ear. "Yes!" And they dug in.

Summayyah arrived at her restaurant as a promise to Ali and it looks bigger and brighter than the old one which got burnt by no one they suspected but she still holds grudges for Khalil having a hand in it. Yet she could not even tell if he was saying the truth back then that he didn't do it.

She closed her eyes shut, calming herself and muttering. 'I have nothing to do with him!'

"Ma'am!" Ali calls bringing her out of her thought as she quickly opened her eyes to see him. She smiled. "Oh Ali, how are you?" She asked and he grins "It's been a while!" She says and he nodded. "Welcome back, ma'am!" She smiled calmly at him.

It's been so long since she left with Faruq. Even though she was pregnant at that moment, for her to be with him, she has to get married to him.

She got married a month after giving birth to Azman. She made sure she completed her law school which luqman got her a way to. Thanks to him.

She made her call to the bar in secret that only Faruq knew and his wife Rukayyah and after that they moved to England for a project he was going to complete. She had a contact with Ali before she left as she got a new restaurant after the incident that happened to her restaurant that caused the separation of her and Khalil. Life might have seemed so simple to her thanks to Faruq for being her shoulder but she had to conquer the obstacles before her.

She has to aim for what she truly desires, she has to provide the best for Azman but seeing how Faruq is so attached to the boy and pulls him closer to him makes her feel bad for a day where they would have to be separated .

She got this restaurant with the help of Ali and Sakina. She is so proud of having them, Ali will forever be her personal assistant and she will always be happy to be around him. He has handled her restaurant even with the losses nd how she has discharged them all but the two and few others still stayed. She changed the restaurant name from Summy's eatery to S&A eatery. Sumayyah and Azman!

She went through the payments account and everything was intact. There were not so many mistakes like her pervious resturant that even some of her workers where charging customers on things that Doesn't need to be charge.



"You did a great job!" She expressed.

He chuckles. "Thanks ma'am!"

She continued going through her plans and picked a few calls from unknown people who are interested in using her restaurant for different events and she tries to see if she will be able to adjust it to everyone who is interested yet she is afraid some will have to choose another place.

She let out a stressing sigh and fell back on her chair. It's been a while since I worked this hard. She thought.

She checked the time and it was pass 12pm and she has somewhere in her list to go which she has promised and she knows the person will for sure be waiting for her. She quickly left her seat and adjusted her vail, she picked her phone, purse and car keys from her desk before walking out of the office. 

Ali wished her well as Sakina ran after her. "Ma'am!"

She stopped and turned to her. "Yes Sakina?"

"I... I have something important to discuss with you!" She says and Summayyah brows draw together.

"Is everything alright?"

Sakina nodded. "I am getting married!" She disclosed, Summayyah's face brightened as her confused expression was now replaced with a wide grin. "Oh my God! When? I am so happy for you!" She rejoiced, pulling her in for a hug.

"It's going to be on the 12th of October!" 

Summayyah nodded. "There is still a lot of time till then, i am wishing you a happy married life with your husband. I have somewhere to go now, when I get back, remind me. We need to discuss more about it okay?"

Sakina nodded, excitedly "Yes Ma'am!"

Summayyah turned away and walked to her car while Sakina returned all cheering and Ali guessing why she was happy spoke. "She was happy right?"

"Yes!" She giggles.

"See, I told you she will not bite you at all.  'I don't know if she will approve of me, I am scared of telling her, but her marriage was very not too good for her!' He imitates her.

Sakina glares at him, hitting his shoulder. "Stop it Ali, come on let's get back to work yeah!" And she left to take orders from the new coming customers.

Meanwhile, Summayyah had jusy arrived at Maimuna's said address which she had held on for those years, but when she returned there wasn't much changed but the uncompleted building was now complete but still without a fence. She saw a dark skin boy walks out of the house playing with a tire as he passes her then another boy follows him, crying and begging him to let him try. 

Summayyah thought that they must be brothers as she went towards the crying boy. "Why are you crying little boy!?" She asked.

"He... He doesn't want me to play!" He sniffs.

Not only was she surprised, she was amazed that he was able to communicate with her in English. She smiled and turned to the older brother who stopped and was looking at her like he recognised her.

"Ka barashi ya yi wasa! (You should let him play) she said.

"Ba ya jin magana Ne! (He is very stubborn) he complained.

"Ai! but Ka bashi, ko kadan Ne! (Oh! but you should let him even if it's small) she insisted as the older looking boy let go of the tire and his brother ran with it, scream and yelling in joy. "I dare you to come collect it!" He said, the boys smiled and ran after his little brother.

Summayyah nodded. "Now i see why he said his brother was stubborn!" She mutters to herself. She stood there for about 15 mintues, amazed by how the two of them played together.

Just then, a lady spoke from within the house that caught Summayyah's attention.

"You should play carefully, Bello watch your brother so he won't get injured!"

"Okay mummy!"

Summayyah stood with her eyes teary as she stared at the very dark and skinny lady walking out of the house, wearing no other clothes than that multi-coloured Wrapper and blouse. Summayyah watched her pour the water from the bowl she was holding, and while she was about to enter the house when she noticed sumayyah she stopped.

"Ya dai, are you lost? (Hey there!) She asked.

"M... Maimuna!" Summayyah mutters as Maimuna stares at her, dumbstruck.

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