Well! Fang Li is also very happy, everything is developing in a good direction.

The tomatoes ushered in a bumper harvest, and the tomatoes planted after the uncles came ripened one after another.

In the field, rows of tomatoes are neatly organized, tomato vines more than one person tall hang on the shelf above, sixty or seventy centimeters below basically have no leaves, strings of tomatoes hang down, red and bright, very spectacular.

The uncles took the baskets, and each group began to pick tomatoes, and Chu Xinxue also came to the field to help.

After Chu Xinxue came, she often came out to work when she was not busy, and her skin was darker than when she first came, but she looked very healthy and energetic.

After coming here for a few months, Chu Xinxue felt more and more that she had come to the right place, not only did she not have to suffer during the mental disorder period every month, but also watched herself establish the company's financial system little by little, which was really not experienced in other companies. And the personnel here is relatively simple, and it also saves a lot of unnecessary troubles.

And watching these tomatoes and sweet potatoes grow up little by little, it is quite magical, and there is a peculiar sense of harvest.

There are so many tomatoes that you can basically fill a basket in three or four steps.

Baskets of tomatoes were shipped out, put together, and soon put on the ground.

When the military transport spacecraft was ready, it stopped at the closest place to the ground, and only to wait for this time to be collected and immediately set sail away.

Rong Min also sent people to the scene to weigh and move.

Fang Li found Chu Xinxue and said: Sister Xinxue, after the checkout over there, you are responsible, the same price as before, 1,000 star coins a catty. I'm going to look at the rice fields, and I'm going to deal with the soil on the mountain over there later.

Okay, there you go. Chu Xinxue carefully put the cut tomatoes into the basket, these are all baby bumps, and it hurts to touch one.

After putting it away, she put down the scissors and I'll go now.

Fang Li walked towards the rice field.

The rice has already begun to twitch, and the long ear sword looks very full, standing tall in the seedlings, slowly swaying with the wind.

Fang Li first looked at the water in the field on the field ridge, then took off his shoes and walked in the middle to take a look, a little less.

He came out to the canal to wash his hands and feet, and then called Li Wei.

Uncle Dawei, send someone from the rice field to put some water, keeping it about three centimeters to four centimeters deep. In addition, some nitrogen fertilizer should be applied.

Okay, I'll arrange for someone to come right away. Li Wei replied.

After a while, an uncle came over in a small plane to fertilize.

Fang Li told him about the depth of the water and how much fertilizer to apply before he started to treat the soil.

Now the soldiers of the soil system have not yet left the division, and Fang Li is still responsible for the work of dealing with the soil. Fortunately, his cultivation was restored to four percent, speedA little faster again.

Jing Hao also learned.

After his magical energy is transformed, he can start to process the soil, but because the cultivation is low, he can only process a small piece at a time, and the efficiency is not as high as Fang Li, but it also slightly reduces the workload of Xia Li.

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