chapter forty six

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—ARES LOOKED UP FROM THE BOOK HE WAS READING WHEN A WHITE OWL FLEW INTO HIS ROOM AND DROPPED A LETTER INTO HIS LAP. "Wait here," he told Hedwig, who hooted and stood on the windowsill. Ares opened the letter and started reading it. The corner of his mouth turned up as he read Harry's reply.

He shook his head at the boy's autograph and stood up. He grabbed a quill and started writing on a piece of parchment,

I will sell this autograph and make money off of it. Send me some more.

He sealed the envelope, which he put the letter into, and wrote Harry's name on top. He gave it to Hedwig. "Give it to Harry."

Hedwig let out another hoot before flying away.

Ares turned around when the door of his room opened. "You really have got to learn how to knock, Draco."

Draco shamelessly shrugged. "Not like it would change anything."

Ares let out an exasperated sigh and sat back down on his bed. "What do you want?"

"We're going to the quidditch world cup!" Draco said in excitement. He sat down on Ares's bed.


"In a few weeks. I can't wait! Victor Krum will be playing— have you heard about Victor Krum—? He is the best seeker in the entire world!"

Ares, who even though did not give a damn about quidditch even one bit, still listened to his excited cousin's ranting.

✫ ✫ ✫

"I trust Draco has told you the news?" asked Lucius the following night when Ares sat down in the living room on one of the leather couches.

The living room was extravagant, as you'd expect Malfoy manor to be. There were two huge, black arched windows and a fireplace in the middle of it. Brown leather couches were in front of the said fireplace.

"That we're going to the Quidditch world cup?"

Lucius nodded.

Ares nodded in reply. "Yeah, he told me."

"I wouldn't expect any less from him." Narcissa, who was sitting next to her husband, joined in.

Ares glanced at her. "Have you seen mother lately?"

Narcissa's eyes softened as she looked at him and nodded. "Yes. She already misses you."

"Can I visit her with you next time?"

The woman shook her head. "I'm sorry, Ares, dear. Your mother forbids you from going to visit her. She worries about the dementors."

Ares understood, but his shoulders still slumped as he looked away in disappointment. He still wanted to see his mother. He hadn't seen her in a long time. He only saw her once so far.

Draco strutted in and sat down next to Ares. He noticed his distant look. "What's wrong?" He asked his parents instead of Ares, pursing his lips when his mother motioned for him to be quiet.

Ares noticed, but didn't say a word.

He missed his mother. How couldn't he? Even though he only saw her once, he wanted to see her again. It wasn't fair. He only had his mother and couldn't even see her.

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