chapter forty

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—ARES HAD HIS NOSE BURIED IN A BOOK, AS PER USUAL. He was back on the train, ready to get back to Hogwarts. He had said his goodbyes to Narcissa and Lucius already, so he was waiting in the compartment for Draco.

The compartment door slid open. Pansy walked in and put her trunk on the shelf above them. Daphne followed her actions.

Ares barely looked up from his book.

"Good Yule, Ares?" Daphne asked as she sat down next to Pansy. She, herself, also had a book in her hand, which she opened while glancing at the boy.

"Mhm," hummed Ares in reply.

Daphne and Pansy shared a look. The blonde haired girl merely started reading and didn't say anything else. She looked up, brows furrowing when she noticed something. "Did you cut your hair, Pansy?"

Pansy, whose long hair was now a bob, nodded. "You finally noticed," she grinned in excitement. She touched a strand of her hair. "Does it look good?"

"It suits you very well," complimented Daphne before she went back to her book.

Blaise walked in, noticing the same thing Daphne noticed. "New haircut, Pansy?" He asked in a form of greeting as he put his trunk away before sitting down next to Ares.

Pansy nodded proudly. She loved her new haircut.

"Nice," complimented Blaise, earning a smile from the girl.

Draco finally walked in as well, Theo with him. They both put their trunks away and sat down— Draco next to Blaise and Theo between the two girls.

"What book is that?" Theo asked Daphne.

Daphne showed him the cover. "Just a novel."

"You've started to read?" asked Blaise curiously.

Daphne nodded in return. "I got some novels as a Yule present."

Ares had gotten books as Yule presents, as well, from the Malfoys. More dark art books. He couldn't wait to read them. In fact, he was reading one of them right now.

"Honestly, I think books are a waste of time." Draco joined in.

Ares finally looked up from his book and gave him a look. "Only you would think that, Draco."

"That's why you're so uneducated," replied Daphne. Draco gave her an offended look.

"I am not uneducated."

"You are," said Blaise as he also joined in. He shrugged when the boy turned to glare at him. "What? It's true."

Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Theo smiled fondly at the display. He truly loved his friends.

The train started moving, silencing them all. Daphne and Ares went back to their books, while Draco started playing with his snitch. Blaise snatched it every once in a while, pissing Draco off. Theo and Pansy, meanwhile, got into a conversation.

✫ ✫ ✫

A few hours after the dinner feast, Ares debated on whether or not to go to the Astronomy tower.

The rational side of him told him not to, just in case Harry Potter was there, but the other side of him told him to not avoid one place entirely just because of one person.

The other side of him won.

At the top of the spiral staircase, Ares let out a sigh of relief when he noticed he was alone. He sat down on the small balconies that were there. It wasn't balconies, per say, but Ares didn't know what else to call it.

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