chapter nine

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—LUCIUS WAS RIGHT. Ares would return to Hogwarts a changed young man. Lucius would teach Ares pureblood lessons during the mornings (how to act like a true pureblood) and spells during the evenings. Sure, Ares couldn't cast them since he wasn't seventeen yet, but he just watched. He could use them in Hogwarts.

It was the day he went shopping with his friends. Ares got dressed before Draco walked into his room and went to the fireplace. He grabbed some floo powder and looked at Ares. "You do it like this." He said and then shouted while throwing the floo powder to the ground. "Diagon Alley!"

Ares watched as the boy disappeared. He walked over to the fireplace in his room and did the exact same thing. "Diagon Alley!"

✫ ✫ ✫

Diagon Alley was almost empty. It was ironic since it was Yule and people were supposed to be shopping to buy each other gifts. Ares didn't complain, though.

He walked over to his friends, who were waiting for him.

Blaise grinned. "Ready?"

Ares nodded. "Sure."

Blaise led the way, with Theodore right next to him. Draco and Ares followed behind.

"This—" Blaise opened the door to a huge shop five minutes later "—is the Wizarding clothes shop."

Ares looked around. He had already been here with Hagrid, but he just bought two or three sets of clothes. He supposed it was time he bought more. He certainly had the money for it, thanks to his dad.

"This set is nice." Draco pointed to a mannequin wearing a black shirt and black pants.

Theodore grabbed the shirt and pants in Ares's size and put them in a basket he got by the door.

"Ooh," Blaise said, rushing over to the hoodie section. "These are really nice."

Ares agreed. He pointed to a black hoodie. And then a dark green one.

Theodore put both in the basket.

Ares pointed to a gray one, as well.

Theodore put that in the basket as well. He got the hoodies two sizes bigger, just so that Ares could wear them in a few years as well.

Draco looked bored. Ares noticed.

"We'll go get a drink later." Ares told Draco.

Draco's eyes lightened up. "Okay."

"Look at this one!" Blaise rushed over to Ares, holding a crewneck sweater.

"Get it a size bigger." Ares said.

"Already on it," replied Theodore, putting the sweater in the basket— the filled basket.

"We need another basket." Blaise realized and rushed to get one.

"He's having too much fun," said Draco, realizing it.

Theodore nodded with a chuckle. "That's Blaise for you."

✫ ✫ ✫

The four were sitting in one of the cafeteria's in Diagon Alley. Each of them had a warm drink in front of them.

Ares's was hot chocolate. He looked at the two filled shopping bags next to him, filled with new clothes that he bought. He was thankful for it.

It was more than he needed.

"Yule break is passing by so fast." Blaise said with a sigh. "I don't want school to start again so soon. I'm having so much fun with my mother at home."

"How's Malfoy Manor for you, Ares?" Theodore asked Ares curiously.

Ares straightened in his seat. "It's great, really. Lucius gives me lessons in the mornings and evenings."

"My father enjoys those lessons." Draco took a sip of his own drink. "He thinks he's repaying the dark lord in some way."

Ares shifted in his seat this time. "Maybe," he mumbled and looked away.

Draco realized what he said. "Sorry," he grimaced.

Ares merely shrugged. Draco was right.

"Oh, look." Blaise sneered while looking at the door.

Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Harry Potter walked in. They didn't notice the four boys as they took a seat right across from them and ordered some stuff.

Harry Potter felt eyes on him and looked around, eyes stopping on them immediately.

"What are you looking at?" Theodore snapped, making Harry look away.

But it made Remus Lupin and Sirius Black look at them. Their eyes stopped on Ares.

They both paled. Especially Sirius, who had saw Lord Voldemort once during a meeting in his house when he was only twelve. Ares looked exactly like him.

Ares merely raised an eyebrow.

Remus looked away and put a hand on his husband's hand to catch his attention and make him look away as well.

Sirius finally looked away.

Draco rolled his eyes. "I can't believe I'm related to that man."

"Just forget it." Theodore told Ares. "Don't mind them."

"I don't care." Ares replied truthfully. He didn't care. In fact, he enjoyed it. He enjoyed the fear that went through their eyes.

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