chapter thirty one

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—DURING DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS CLASS THE NEXT DAY, PROFESSOR REMUS LUPIN LOOKED AT THE PARCHMENT IN HIS HANDS. "I have paired you students up with whomever I chose. You will no longer choose your own partner for the rest of the year."

"That's insane!" complained one of the Slytherins.

"It's fair," corrected Professor Lupin. He started reading out the names. "Lavender Brown and Vincent Crabbe."

Lavender Brown gasped in horror, but walked over to the boy hesitantly.

"Seamus Finnigan and Daphne Greengrass."

Daphne rolled her eyes as the boy walked over to her.

"Hermione Granger and Blaise Zabini. Dean Thomas and Theodore Nott—"

Ares tuned the man out until he finally said his name—

"Harry Potter and Ares Riddle."

Ares tried not to let his shock show, but Harry definitely let his own shock show on his face.

Harry shook his head and walked over to Ares. "Guess we're partners."

"Guess so, Potter," replied Ares monotonously.

"—Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy—"

"You've got to be joking." Draco interrupted the professor.

Remus Lupin looked at him over the parchment in his hands and gave him a serious look. "Not joking, Mr. Malfoy. Get to your partner now."

Ron Weasley looked as red as a tomato.

Ares knew why Lupin partnered him and Potter. Even an idiot would know why.

He wanted to know which one of them would win a duel against each other.

"Get into your positions and started a duel." Professor Lupin instructed them all.

They all got into position.

"May the best man win, Riddle." Harry whispered as he got into position.

"I will," said Ares.


Ares shielded himself nonverbally. He pointed his wand at Harry. Before Harry said another spell, Ares mumbled, "Expelliarmus."

Harry shielded himself just in time and then said, "Stupify!"

"Protego." Ares said and walked closer. "Immobulus!"

Harry ducked. "Petrificus Totalus." He pointed his wand at the boy, ignoring the painting that fell to the ground behind him.

Every student was frozen in place and so was the teacher himself as they watched the duel play out.

The professor merely stared at the two, his head following every spell cast.

He paid attention to Ares's movements, but didn't catch any. How did Ares know so many spells above his own level?

Ares quickly put up a shield, then cast another nonverbal spell. This one was the same spell Harry had cast two seconds before.

Harry froze in place when the spell hit him.

"Expelliarmus," said Ares lazily, the wand in Harry's hand falling into his hand. He undid the spell on Harry, who frowned in embarrassment.

Professor Lupin hummed. He crossed his arms as he looked at the boy. "5 points to Slytherin," he said reluctantly.

Ares merely went to the sidelines and so did Harry.

"Everyone, start dueling!" Professor Lupin insisted, looking at the other students. Everyone started dueling.

"You were good," complimented Harry when he walked up to Ares.

Ares looked at him. "Thanks." He said coldly.

Harry took his wand back from Ares's outstretched hand. "Where'd you learn all that?"

The boy looked away, watching Ron Weasley's duel with Draco instead. Draco was too busy scowling and sending spell after spell, while Ron was trying his best to put up a shield.

"I won't go around telling you my secrets, Potter." Ares said as if it was obvious.

"That's fair, I suppose." Harry hummed and crossed his arms as he stood next to the boy.

Draco grinned when Ron Weasley was thrown across the room by his spell.

"Mr. Malfoy!" Professor Lupin exclaimed, appalled. He rushed over to the boy groaning on the ground. "Mr. Weasley, are you alright?"

"No." Ron groaned and clutched his side. "I think I broke a rib."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Okay, now you're being dramatic, Weasley."

"Take him to the hospital wing Mr. Malfoy." Remus Lupin helped Ron get up and put his arm on a disgusted Draco's shoulder. He grabbed Draco's hand and put it around Ron's waist. "Now."

"Why don't you do it?!" Draco asked in shock.

"Because I still have a class to teach. And if you don't want detention and reducing house points, then I expect you to take him to Madame Pomfrey."

Draco looked at Ares, pleading him with his eyes. Ares rolled his eyes and walked over to the boy, Harry rushing over as well. Harry grabbed Ron's other hand and put it around his shoulder. He glared at Draco.

Draco ignored him as they started walking towards the hospital wing.

✫ ✫ ✫

Madame Pomfrey rushed over to catch Ron before he fell and put him on one of the hospital beds. She tutted. "What happened?" She asked Harry, ignoring the two Slytherins.

"He lost a duel, that's what." Draco piped in, earning another glare from Harry. "What, Potter? It's only fair that I won."

"By landing him in the hospital wing."

"Real duels will land him killed."

Harry couldn't argue with that. He paid attention to his friend, who was groaning in pain. "Am i dead yet?" Ron asked, shutting his eyes tight.

"Not yet," offered Harry.

"I think I'd rather be dead."

Draco stepped up. "I can make that happen—"

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry glared at him for the third time. "Riddle, keep your friend in line."

Ares looked at Draco. "Get in line, Draco." He said sarcastically.

Draco grinned.

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