chapter forty nine

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—"WHAT WAS THE SPELL THAT CAUSED THE DARK MARK TO APPEAR IN THE SKY THE OTHER DAY?" ASKED ARES CURIOUSLY. He was having his usual evening lesson with Lucius, who was quieter than usual.

"Morsmordre," explained Lucius. "In the First Wizarding War, Morsmordre became something of a signature move for us Death Eaters. After a murder, the spell would be cast in order to both claim credit for the attack, and to further terrify the wizarding community."

Ares's brows furrowed as he thought. "So, you guys just casted that spell over the house? Why?"

"To install fear. It did do just that. It was everyone's worst fear for a while— to come home and see the dark mark right above their house."

"Teach me how to do that spell."

Lucius showed him the wand movement, which was like an 8. "Like this."

Ares nodded. He stood up and walked to the middle of the room.

Lucius stood up as well and walked over to the boy, as per usual, and said, "Legilimens."

Ares blocked him out almost immediately.

Lucius seemed very impressed. "Well done, Ares. You did it."

Ares felt proud of himself. He finally perfected Occulemency. "Try it again," he said, just incase that was because of good luck.


Ares shut him out again.

Lucius finally let himself smile. "You did it."

A knock at the door caught their attention. Draco poked his head through. "Can I have Ares, father?"

Lucius almost glared at his son. He stopped himself, but couldn't stop his nostrils from flaring. "We're in the middle of our lesson, Draco."

"I know, but a letter came for him." Draco said, a letter in his hands.

Ares rushed over to him and grabbed the unopened letter. He gave Draco a look. "You didn't peek, did you?"

Draco shook his head. "No," he said truthfully. He squinted his eyes. "What're you hiding, Ares?" He whispered the last part.

Ares ignored him and rushed out of the study. He went upstairs and went to his room. He locked the door and opened the letter.

I'm sorry for ignoring your past letter for a week—"

Ares had written Harry a letter, claiming that he truly did not know what happened at the Quidditch world cup. When he got no reply, he didn't bother sending any more. It seemed like it took a week for Harry to believe him.

"—but you kind of deserved it. I don't know if I can believe the fact that you actually did not know that what happened at the Quidditch world cup would happen. After all, you do live with the Malfoys, who are known death eaters.
But if you are not lying and truly did not know, then I am sorry for ever doubting you. How is your summer going so far? I hope it is going well. Write back.

Ares put the letter in his drawer— which were all filled with Harry's letter. He took out a quill and dipped it in ink, then started writing back.

Like I have said in the last letter, I did not know about it. If I did, I would have even joined.
My summer is going well, thank you for asking. What about yours?

✫ ✫ ✫

"—If I did, I would have even joined—"

Harry James Potter snorted at the bluntness. He continued reading the letter that was delivered to him by a black owl.

When he was done, he started writing on a piece of parchment.

My summer is going by well, too, thank you for asking. I don't doubt that you would have joined, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Here, read this book that I will attach to this letter. You will actually learn some good stuff, not all that evil crap. There should be atleast 1% good in you, Ares Salazar Riddle.

Harry put the letter in an envelope and grabbed the book, tying it to the owl's leg. The owl hooted as if it was too heavy and glared at Harry.

Harry apologetically shrugged. "Sorry, but you have to."

The owl flew away with the letter and the book.

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