chapter thirty five

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—ARES WAS READING IN THE ASTRONOMY TOWER. It was way past midnight, but it was the perfect time for him to read.

However, the sound of footsteps stopped him and made him look up.

Harry Potter stared back at him. He pursed his lips. "I can go—"

"You don't have to," offered Ares monotonously, going back to his book.

Harry silently walked over to him and sat across from him. He looked at the stars in the sky, his eyes stopping on the full moon. Remus Lupin, his godfather, was in the whomping willow. Thankfully, he drank wolfsbane before every transition.

"Is your godfather alright?" Ares asked him nonchalantly, noticing the boy's look. Everybody knew about Lupin's condition.

Harry nodded. "Thankfully." He replied, his eyes stopping on the book. His eyes widened. "Riddle—"

"Don't you dare tell Dumbledore." Ares shut his book close, ignoring its ghostly wail.

Harry winced at the sound. "I wasn't going to," he said truthfully. "But, Riddle, you don't have to be that kind of person. You could be so much more."

Ares rolled his eyes with a huff and looked away. Even Harry Potter expected that stuff from him. It was getting old. "Who says I will be, Potter?"

"You're reading one of the darkest books in the Wizarding world. I don't even know how you got a copy of it, but you shouldn't read it everywhere. Other people would tell on you."

Ares shrugged. "I don't really care."

"You will if Dumbledore finds out."

"Why won't you tell him?" asked Ares, his head tilting in curiosity.

Harry looked away. "Why should I?"

"Why shouldn't you?"

"Maybe I will," offered Harry. He sighed and looked back at the boy. "Don't live up to their expectations, Riddle."

"I won't become a dark lord if someone gives me a reason to not be one."

"And if someone doesn't?"

Ares stared into the boy's green eyes. Merlin, his eyes were beautiful. "You don't need me to answer that when you already know the answer."

Harry shook his head in disappointment. "Just kill me now. You would get it over with and won't spend the next— what, ten years?— over trying to kill me."

"Who says I'll kill you?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Why would I?" Ares shot back.

Harry frowned. "I'd be the first person you'd have to kill."

"Maybe I won't," said Ares with a shrug. "You didn't do anything to me."

"Except be the reason you're without a father."

"That's what Draco said once," said Ares under his breath. He looked back at the boy. "And my father's the reason you're without your parents. I'd say we're even."

Harry let out a laugh. "You think I wouldn't try to stop you if you follow your father's footsteps?"

"I wasn't saying that. I know you will. And then I'd have a reason to kill you. For now, I don't."

Harry shook his head. This boy was messing with his mind. "You don't have to," he offered.

"This is the first conversation we've ever had and you spend it trying to convince me to not follow my life's purpose." Ares noted, earning an eye roll from Harry.

Harry looked away and sighed. "Do you know anything about astronomy?"

Ares shook his head. "No."

He hummed. "Do you want me to teach you?"

Oh, joy. Harry Potter teaching him astronomy.

Ares rolled his eyes. "Not really."

Harry grinned. "It would be good for Astronomy class. I've noticed you're quite bad at it."

"You noticed something about me, did you?" Ares raised an eyebrow.

Harry blushed. "No—" he stammered.

Ares pursed his lips in an attempt to hold in his laugh.

Harry noticed his look and rolled his eyes. "I'm just trying to help you." He said, looking back at the full moon again.

Ares stood up and walked to the staircase. "Goodnight, Potter."

Harry almost seemed disappointed. "Goodnight, Riddle."

Ares Salazar Riddle| a hp fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя