chapter eighteen

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—SUMMER WAS OVER QUICKLY. September first came around and the students were back on the train to Hogwarts. Ares, who had thanked the Malfoys almost four times just that morning, sat in a compartment with Blaise and Theo in it. Draco was not too far behind and joined them.

Ares immediately buried his face in a book.

"How was your summer?" Theo asked Draco, who excitedly started talking about Italy. He listened intently.

Blaise, meanwhile, was playing with a snitch. "Are you going to try out for quidditch this year, Draco?" He asked the boy after he was done talking.

Draco nodded. "I'll try out for the seeker position. Hey, Ares, why don't you try out for the chaser position?" He looked at the boy.

Ares finally looked up from the book he was reading and wrinkled his nose. "I won't waste my time on stuff like that. I've got better things to do."

"Oh, that reminds me." Blaise stood up and grabbed his trunk from above, then opened it and brought out two books. "I found these books in a small dark Wizarding shop in Paris. I thought you might enjoy them, Ares."

Ares took the books from Blaise's outstretched hand and thanked him. He looked at the titles.

'The History Of Dark Curses.'


'Secrets Of the Darkest Arts.'

Ares immediately felt excited. "This is amazing, Blaise. Thank you so much."

Blaise closed his trunk and put it back in its place. He waved a hand as if it was no big deal. "Don't thank me. I hope you enjoy them."

"I definitely will."

Their compartment door opened. "Anything from the trolley, dears?" The woman asked and looked at them.

Draco stood up and bought a few snacks, and so did Theo.

The compartment door closed.

"I owed you one." Draco said as he gave Ares a chocolate frog. Ares thanked him.

✫ ✫ ✫

The feast that evening consisted of great food and the sorting for the first years. They welcomed those whom were sorted into Slytherin, and rolled their eyes at those whom were sorted into Gryffindor.

"Another Weasley." Draco looked at the girl at the Gryffindor table in disgust. "Merlin, don't the parents think it's too much children? They can't even afford them all."

Blaise chuckled in agreement. "Most of them were probably mistakes."

Theo hummed and put a chicken breast onto his plate. "Probably."

Ares ate his food and didn't join in. His mind was on something else. More specifically, on the books he had. He was so excited for the two new books given to him by Blaise. He didn't have to go to the restricted section of the library yet, not until he finished those two books and the book he was in the middle of reading.

But before he went to the library, he would go to the Room Of Requirement and think of a room filled with restricted books. He had to give it a try.

"What're you thinking of, Ares?" Blaise asked, noticing the thoughtful look on the boy's face.

"Books." Ares replied as he drank water from his glass.

Blaise fondly shook his head. "Of course."

✫ ✫ ✫

"Get up. That's our place." Ares snapped at the young girl— who was a first year— and was sitting on the couch by the fireplace in the common room.

The girl looked up and gulped, then stood up and rushed away.

The four boys sat down on the couches and started talking.

"Everyone's terrified of Ares." Theo chuckled. Blaise and Draco nodded in agreement.

"Who wouldn't be? He's the son of the dark lord." Draco said as if it was obvious. Which it was.

Ares didn't reply and looked into the fireplace. It wasn't on, but it did feel chilly in the common room. After all, they were in the dungeons. "Incendio." He pointed his wand at the fireplace and watched it turn on.

Their attentions were caught by a girl rushing over to them with a furious look. She looked at them and crossed her arms once she reached them. "Why did you tell my sister to get up?"

"Greengrass," started Draco, looking at the girl in exasperation, "this is our place."

"Daphne," Blaise, who was on first name terms with the girl, tried to calm her down. Ares was the one who told her sister to get up. Daphne did not want to be on bad terms with Ares, did she? "We claimed this spot last year. It's ours."

"It's everyone's. Every Slytherin's. You don't claim a spot in the common room!" Daphne Greengrass exclaimed, then noticed the look Blaise was giving her. She pursed her lips and nodded. "Fine. My apologies."

Blaise watched as she turned around and was about to leave. "Hey, Daphne. Join us."

The other three boys looked at him as if he had grown two heads.

Daphne was about to reply, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her. She turned to look at the girl next to her. "What's going on?" asked Pansy Parkinson, looking at her best friend and the boys.

"They told Astoria to get up. She was terrified." Daphne tried to reason.

Pansy frowned. "It's their spot, Daph." She whispered to her friend and looked at the boys. "I apologize for the inconvenience, boys. Astoria didn't know."

"It's fine," said Theo, not wanting it to be a problem. He looked at Ares, who was ignoring them all and was reading a book. "In fact, Blaise just told Daphne to join us. Why don't you join as well, Parkinson?"

Pansy straightened. This was an amazing opportunity. "Sure. We'd love to."

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