chapter twenty four

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—THE NEXT DAY, ARES LOOKED AT HIS REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR. He was wearing the grey hoodie he had gotten last year and black pants, with new shoes that Lucius had bought him for Yule.

Narcissa knocked on his door and walked in. She put her hands behind her and looked at the boy. "Are you ready?" She asked him.

Ares nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be." He said and walked to his fireplace, grabbing a handful of floo powder.

Narcissa did the same.

They both went inside the fireplace. Narcissa grabbed his free hand and they threw the floo powder to the floor. "Azkaban!"

✫ ✫ ✫

Ares shuddered when they were allowed in and walked up the stairs behind his aunt. He looked at the dementors that were watching him curiously and shuddered again.

The air was cold and Ares felt sad— almost depressed. It was the dementors's doing.

"Almost there." Narcissa held onto his hand as they walked up. "Almost."

Ares felt his heart beating faster than usual. He was going to meet his mother.

"Here," said Narcissa a few minutes later.

Bellatrix Lestrange was sitting in the corner, her hands on her head. She didn't notice them yet.

"Bella," said Narcissa softly.

Bellatrix looked up and rushed over to them. She then noticed Ares. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped in shock. She looked at her sister. "I told you, Cissa. The dementors—"

Narcissa swallowed. "I couldn't say no to him meeting you."

Bellatrix looked away from her and looked at her son. She crouched down a bit to his level and grabbed his hand. "My Ares," she whispered, a tear falling from her eye as she smiled shakily. "You look so much like your father."

Ares was speechless.

Bellatrix looked at the hand she was holding. She placed a kiss on it and looked at her son again. "My little war god." She said, her voice thick with emotion.

"Mother," Ares finally whispered as he walked closer. He didn't mind her crazed state. He didn't mind her messy curly hair and her dirty hands. He didn't mind her dirty clothes and her blackened teeth.

He had to get her out of there.

He had to.

"I'm getting you out of there one day," he promised her.

Bellatrix merely smiled and placed another kiss onto his hand. "I know you will, my little war god." She said with a grin. "I know you will."

"I am," he promised again. He held onto her hand with both of his hands.

"How is school, Ares?" Bellatrix asked. "They're not annoying you, are they? If they are, I will murder them."

"They are, but I took care of it, mother."

Bellatrix smiled again at her son. Her amazing, smart son. "Of course, you did, Ares. Good job. You're making your mother proud."

Ares's eyes glistened. "I am?"

"You are. Be the dark lord that you are meant to be, Ares. Make your mother even more proud." Bellatrix cooed and grinned crazily. "I know you can do it."

"I will, mother." Ares looked into her eyes and promised. "I will."

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