chapter forty five

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—SUMMER CAME BY. Ares was in Malfoy manor with the family, as usual. He liked it there. He truly did.

"How was school this year?" Lucius asked the boys over breakfast.

Draco started rambling about how he had a bad year, but how he liked Hogsmeade.

Ares merely shook his head and continued eating.

Narcissa looked up from her plate of food when an owl flew in and dropped the daily prophet on the table.

Ares glanced at it and saw a familiar face on it, so he quickly grabbed it.

"Harry Potter signing autographs!"

Ares shook his head again and put it back down. He sure was going to write a letter to tease Harry about that later.

✫ ✫ ✫

"Who are you writing to?" Draco asked in shock when he walked into the library, catching Ares writing to someone.

Ares never wrote to anyone, not even Blaise and Theo, nor Pansy and Daphne. So, to see Ares writing to someone was quite a shock.

Ares hid the letter from Draco and stopped writing. "None of your business," he replied quickly. Too quickly.

Draco's eyes narrowed. He tried getting the letter from Ares's hands, but Ares, who was taller, stood up and raised it above his head.

Draco tried jumping to reach it. He couldn't.

He crossed his arms and looked at his cousin.

Ares glared at him. "It's none of your business, Draco."

Draco's shoulders slumped. "Fine," he said in defeat and sat down on the chair next to Ares's.

Ares quickly signed his name at the bottom of the letter and put it in the envelope, sealed it then gave it to his owl by the window. "Give it to Harry Potter," he whispered to his owl.

His owl tilted her head, as if giving him a look, but then hooted and flew away.

Ares sat back down in his chair. "Why are you here, anyway?"

"You weren't in your room, so I figured you'd be here."

"So, why are you here?" He repeated.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Can't I just spend some time with my cousin?"

Ares's eyes almost softened at that word. He cleared his throat and opened his book. "No."

✫ ✫ ✫

A black owl flew in the window and onto the table in Lupin manor— which was more specifically known as the old Black manor, but was given to Sirius after nobody in the family existed anymore.

"Whose owl is that?" Sirius Lupin frowned at the unfamiliar owl.

The owl dropped the letter into a confused Harry's hands. Harry looked at the name on the letter and saw 'A.S.R' at the bottom. He stood up and rushed out of the dining room.

"You haven't finished your dinner, Harry!" Remus called out in worry.

"I'll finish it later!" Harry exclaimed as he rushed up the stairs and rushed into his room. He closed the door and locked it, then opened the letter hurriedly as he flopped onto his bed.

A picture of himself flew out the envelope. More specifically, the picture that was on the front page this morning in the daily prophet.

Harry scoffed and started reading the letter,

Giving autographs to children now, Potter? And yet you call me egoistic? Ironic.

That was it. That was all that was written.

Regardless, a smile crept up on Harry's face. He stood up and grabbed a parchment and a quill, dipping it into ink.

At least they want my autograph. Can't say the same about you. Here's one for you,

He signed at the bottom and put the letter in an envelope and gave it to Hedwig. "Give it to Ares Riddle."

Someone knocked on his door while Hedwig flew away with the letter in her beak.

Harry walked over to the door and unlocked it. The door opened.

Sirius leaned on the doorframe and closed his arms. He wiggled his eyebrows. "Secret lover, Harry?"

Harry's eyes widened. "No!" He stammered, a blush creeping up on his cheeks.

Sirius grinned. He put a hand around his godson's shoulder. "We would not judge you, Harry. But let us know if there's something going on. We'd like to know."

Harry took Sirius's hand away and shook his head. "I don't have a secret lover, Sirius."

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