chapter one

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—THE FIRST DAY AT HOGWARTS FINALLY ARRIVED. Ares Salazar Riddle was busy staring at the train instead of getting onto it. Actually, he was busy watching families send off their children. He was alone. There was nobody there to send him off, but that was nothing new.

He straightened his shoulders and grabbed his luggage, which was mostly empty except for his toothbrush and toothpaste, a hair gel, and 3 other sets of clothes. He was already wearing his uniform, as well, of course, that he got from Diagon Alley. He went there with a big man named Hagrid, who was stuttering the whole time and seemed scared of him. Oh, and a few books.

He was excited, actually. Finally, his life had some meaning. Instead of sitting around in the orphanage with nothing to do except scare other orphans off, he was finally doing something new.

Maybe this place would turn into a new home for him. Maybe he can even spend his summers there and never go back to Wool's orphanage!

Okay, he was getting a bit too far ahead of himself.

He tore his eyes away from the family of three his eyes somehow were stuck on. They seemed.. important. Not important like business-ly, if that was a word, but more like famously. He noticed everyone's eyes on the family.

It was two men and a boy with a.. scar? on his forehead. Huh. How'd he have that scar?

The two men seemed kind enough. One of them had dirty blond hair and the other had shoulder-length black hair.

His eyes went onto another family. This one seemed important in the business way. The man had a suit on and had blond hair. The woman had on a formal dress and was delicately hugging her son, who looked exactly like his father.

Ares shook his head and got onto the train, no longer wanting to people-watch.

He walked through the compartments and searched for an empty one. Many were filled with people, mostly newcomers, like him.

This was legit, then. There actually was a place called Hogwarts. That old man was not fooling him. Oh, he was excited. Very, very excited.

But he didn't let it show. He hid his excitement deep in his heart, right under the doubt he had.

He looked into another compartment. Finally, an empty one.

He opened the door and put the luggage above in the luggage place, then closed the door behind him and sat down.

Ares started out the window for a few seconds, then looked away. He looked at the wand now in his hand.

His head snapped up when the compartment door opened. The guy with the blond hair walked in. "Can I sit here? All the other compartments are either full or has future-Gryffindors in it." The guy wrinkled his nose in disgust. "You seem like a Slytherin, so I want to sit here, if you don't mind."

What was a Gryffindor? Or a Slytherin?

The big man named Hagrid didn't say much. He just wanted the shopping to be over so he could drop Ares back at the orphanage and leave as soon as possible.

"Sure, you can sit." Ares motioned for him to come in. "What's your name?"

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." The boy introduced himself and brought out his hand to shake.

Ares held onto it and shook it. "I'm Ares. Ares Riddle."

Draco's eyes widened immediately. His mouth also dropped in shock.

Ares shifted in his seat. What?! What did he say?! Did he say something wrong?

"What did I say?" Ares asked.

Draco shook his head. "My father told me I might find you, but I didn't believe it. I can't believe it! The first person I meet and it's you!"

"What?" He asked in confusion. "Why are you so excited?" He wrinkled his nose. Did this boy know no etiquette?

"You're from an orphanage, are you not?"

"Yes. How do you know?"

"Oh, I've got a lot to tell you." Draco said.

The train started moving.

"You're a pureblood. I think. I don't know exactly, but it's what I've been told. And you're going into the Wizarding world." Draco started explaining. "Your father was a dark lord. He had followers and—"

And it went like that for hours. Draco explained every single detail.

✫ ✫ ✫

Ares kept staring at Draco in shock. "My father was that important?"

The other boy nodded his head. "Yes. And so are you, Ares." He stood up and stretched. "We're almost there. I'm going to go change into my uniform and be right back."

Within ten minutes, he was back, looking at the silent Ares.

"I heard Dumbledore was scared shitless after he finally met you." Draco started again.

Ares rolled his eyes. "He's so annoying. There's something off about him, I swear."

The other boy nodded. "He's so obsessed with Gryffindors and the Order of Phoenix." He sighed. "But my godfather is the head of Slytherin and favors Slytherin, so that's good. At least someone would favor us."

"What's his name?

"Severus Snape."

Ares nodded, then he frowned. "Are you sure I'm going to be a Slytherin, Draco?"

Draco nodded immediately. "Of course you will be. You're the heir of Slytherin!"

Ares smirked. "That sounds nice."

Their attention was caught when someone opened the compartment door. "Have you seen a toad? This boy named Neville has lost one." She said in a bossy tone.

She had messy hair and was wearing her uniform.

Draco wrinkled his nose in disgust. "You're a mudblood, aren't you? Get out."

She frowned at the unusual name, rolled her eyes and walked away, closing the door.

"What's a mudblood?" Ares asked one last question.

"There's mudbloods— also known as muggleborns— and halfbloods and purebloods. Muggleborns— or mudbloods— are wizard children of muggle parents." Draco answered, then let out a gasp. "Look!" He pointed at the window.

Ares' own eyes widened in awe and delight.

The Hogwarts castle.

It was beautiful.

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