chapter thirteen

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—POTIONS CLASS WAS NEXT. Then, it was transfiguration. And then, herbology. Ares earned some points for his house at both the first and the last.

It was now night. About eleven p.m, definitely past curfew.

Ares was at the Astronomy tower, reading his book. He was almost finished with it. He had about twenty pages left.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Riddle?" Professor Lupin, who had just walked in, asked.

Ares stopped from letting out a sigh and looked at him. "Reading, obviously. What are you doing here?"

Remus Lupin raised an eyebrow. "Watching the stars. Or, was about to, until I saw you here. It's past curfew, Mr. Riddle. You should go back to your common room before you get caught."

"I did get caught. By you." Ares pointed out and went back to reading.

"What are you reading?" The man ignored him and started to walk over, taking the book out of his hands and flipping it over to see the cover.

"The Pureblood Way Of Life." Remus Lupin read and looked at the boy. "Where'd you get this?"

Ares rolled his eyes and stood up. "Just leave me alone, will you?" He grabbed the book and went away, leaving the man in the Astronomy tower alone.

✫ ✫ ✫

"Where were you?" asked Draco, who wasn't asleep yet, when Ares walked into their dorm room.

"Out." was all Ares said. He went to his bed and turned on his lamp. He looked at Draco, who was staring at him. "What?"

Draco shrugged and closed his eyes. "Nothing."

✫ ✫ ✫

It was a weekend.

Ares and his friends were on the couch by the fireplace.

Ares and Theo were having a wizard chess match, while Draco was trying to do his homework and Blaise was munching on a cupcake.

"I win," said Ares when he did, indeed, win.

Theo groaned. "That's the third time in a row!" He complained. "You're cheating, aren't you? You just learned to play this!"

Ares shook his head. "How would I cheat, Theo?"

"I dunno."

"Let's go to the kitchens." Blaise stood up and stretched. He was done with his cupcake. He wanted another one.

"Sure." Draco stood up, leaving his homework and looking at the two other boys.

Ares shrugged and stood up with Theo. "Alright. Let's go."

Within ten minutes or less, they were at the kitchen. It was filled with house elves.

"What does master Malfoy want, sir?" A house elf popped in front of them and looked at Draco expectantly.

"Dobby, get my friends whatever they want." Draco told the elf, who immediately nodded.

"I want another cupcake," said Blaise.

"I want a.. I dunno.. I guess a cupcake as well."

Dobby looked at Ares. Ares said, "I don't want anything."

Dobby nodded and popped away.

"What are you Slytherins doing here?" A voice said behind them, making them turn around.

"Just here for the food." Blaise said as if it was obvious. Which it was.

Ares looked at the Hufflepuff boy in front of them. He had golden brown hair and brown eyes. He seemed like a third year. Or fourth? He didn't know.

"Well, enjoy the food, but get out of here soon. That's the Hufflepuff common room." The boy pointed towards a painting, which everyone knew was the Hufflepuff common room. "You don't want anyone else seeing you here. They'll think you're here for them and they'll start up a fight."

"Thanks for the advice," said Draco sarcastically. "You can go now, golden boy."

"Diggory. Cedric Diggory's my name." Cedric introduced himself. "I'm only saying it for you. But I guess you Slytherins can figure it out."

They watched as he walked away and out of the kitchen.

Dobby popped back in with two cupcakes and gave it to the boys. "Thank you," said Blaise and Theo in unison.

"Dobby is happy to help, sir."

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