Chapter 33

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Ryder POV

I woke up I was sweating I prayed to god that dream was not real, I honestly don't think I had it in me do it again. "Ryder baby are you ok?" Katie asked me, "no I Katie I can't" I said, "can't what?" she asked concerned, "do this again, I think I had a vision, and the red moon was back" I said. "Really are you sure it wasn't just a nightmare?" Katie said, "I am sure the threat was different and I heard another prophecy in my head" I said. "What did it say?" Katie asked me, "The red moon rerises and blood will be shed, one will be victorious the other will fall. True love stands in the way for one while hate fires up the other. Man vs Boy love vs hate a rage like no other. Power will be the factor, time is of the essence in a battle with all kinds of weapons" I said. "What the hell! you remembered all that?" Katie said, "First how is that what you responded first? I basically just told you that I might die and you are worried how I remembered that?" I said a little more angry then I intended. 

"I don't think you are going to die, I know you aren't because you are amazing and I just know you can beat this man" Katie said. "Katie its said blood will be shed! I can't and won't lose anyone that I love. It will destroy me, and second I can't keep you all safe plus true love will play a factor which means you're involved. I can't do this Katie its not worth it to me" I said. "Do you have a choice? Maybe it won't be as bad as you think, plus the pups will help you and Ahri can heal them" Katie said. "A rage like no other! I mean that literally means I will probably end up pissed off and my demon side will come out. The longer he is in power Katie the weaker I am as a human. If he wins and gets what he wants I won't be able to change back" I said. "Then don't give him what he wants" Katie said. 

"I can't control it and what he wants is the power! Literally the entire point to the prophecy! I need to clear my head!" I said and I left. I shifted and ran out of the lookout, I was a wolf and I figured it would fit in the best on the mountain. I ran so fast it was exhilarating, I was up in the mountains the cool air helping calm me down. I just didn't know how I could go through with this, I mean I couldn't lose my family not again. I felt myself fading and I was in limbo again, I wish they would warn me before they do that.

"Sorry honey, I guess I could have told you. Please don't stress the prophecy sounds scary but it really isn't" Amethyst said. "How is it not scary! I mean mom I can't let the demon form win" I said. "I know you won't, when you gave Katie that necklace Ryder it linked you together, she has the power to bring you back always. Her love for you will always bring your human side back, it is what the necklace is designed to do. Its hard to explain it, this man is awful and his hatred for you is just something I don't understand. He is a coward Ryder and you are brave and strong, he might use weapons and yes they will weaken you but Ryder the prophecy said True love plays a factor for one. Hold onto that, it is what will get you through this, and just because it said blood will be shed doesn't mean your family will die. Just concentrate on what you need to do and win" My mom said, "that actually helped thank you, and mom is this the last prophecy because one of my pups is pregnant and I know I want to be there for Katie. I am in love with her and actually want a future" Ryder said. "That honey I don't know and I can't tell you anymore than I have, stay strong my boy I love you" My mom said as she faded. 

I was back in the wolf form, I guess I could go back to the lookout, I would have to tell the pups. I had a feeling Chase would want Skye to stay out of the battle, and I would back him up. I would need Katie to stay out too because if she was the one to bring me back then she needed to stay safe. Now I needed to figure out who this man was and why he hated me so much, I think it might have something to do with that Claudia lady, and whoever she was working for. They never did find out my weakness so that is good I will have the upper hand. 

I was tempted to stay longer but the sun was coming up and I know that the pups would be expecting breakfast. I also sort of left Katie and I felt bad, she was just trying to tell me what my mom did but she failed. I mean she probably only heard half of what I said, but I love her and I need her to know.

The pups were awake when I came back, and I shifted back into my human form, "Ryder sir are you alright?" Chase asked, "yes come with me pups I have something to tell you" I said, they all sat in front of me, "there is another prophecy, and I need you all to help me again but this time its going to be different" I said. "Why?" Marshall asked, "because it is not a demon it is a man that we are fighting and he will have weapons that could hurt you. I need you all to listen to me when I say something as I will try my best to keep you safe but Ahri will be hiding and use her powers to heal" I said. "Okay and Skye is also hiding?" Chase said, "yes I agree Skye will sit this one out" I said, she looked hurt but she understood, "Ryder what did the prophecy say?" Rocky asked me.

"The red moon rerises and blood will be shed, one will be victorious the other will fall. True love stands in the way for one while hate fires up the other. Man vs Boy love vs hate a rage like no other. Power will be the factor, time is of the essence in a battle with all kinds of weapons" I said. "Are you for real, so basically this is revenge?" Chase said, "I don't know Chase, I have no clue who it is or when this is going to happen. We need to be prepared for anything" I said. "When it says true love stands in the way?" Rubble said, "it means Katie needs to keep herself safe because she is my life line and I need her to bring me back" I said. "Bring you back?" Marshall said. "Yes power will be the factor which most likely means I will not be doing this fight as a human, I am stronger in demon form. Katie is the only one that can keep my demon form calm, she brings me back" I said. "Interesting" Katie said I didn't know she was listening.

"We are with you Ryder sir always" Chase said, "Always" the other pups said, I hugged them all and I hoped the only blood shed was this mans because this right here was all I needed. Katie and my pups they were my everything. 

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