Chapter 1

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Ryder was your typical child he knew his parents were different but he didn't care, his love for technology and how things worked was insane. He could take things apart and put them back together by the time he was 3.

Leonard and Amethyst knew he was going to eventually start showing powers and when he did he would need to fulfill the prophecy. Ryder was 8 and he was in the garage building something, as his parents talked in the kitchen.

"He is going to come to us any day now with something, I can sense it" Amethyst said. "Are you sure?" Leo replied, "yes he is at the right age and I feel like he might know something already" "I hope not, I never wanted this life for him" "Well its happening Leo and we all know he is the one who can stop it. I am curious though what will help him along the way. The prophecy says a team of 7" "I don't know, but its getting late he should be going to bed" Leo said as he went to get his son.

"Ryder time for bed" Leo said but Ryder was not in the garage, he looked around wondering where he could possibly be. Ryder was running up the driveway holding a german shepard puppy. "Ryder what is that?" Leo asked, "A dog I found him in the street, dad he was just sitting in the middle cars were zooming past him. I had to save him" Ryder said. "How is it you knew he was in the street?" "I sort of saw it, I had like a vision, can I keep him?" "I will see come on its time for bed" Leo said as Ryder followed his dad inside still holding the pup.

After Ryder as tucked in Leo went to his wife, "He saw the dog in the street, some sort of vision" he said. "I told you its happening, its only a matter of time, we need to tell him about the prophecy" "I am not ready to lose him yet" Leo said sadly, "we won't lose him, he just is leaving sooner than we thought" Amethyst spoke sadly. They both fell asleep hoping to tell him in the morning.

Chase POV

I am so glad that this boy found me Ryder is his name he smells like cookies and dirt! I feel like I am going to like it living with him.

He said something about a vision and seeing me in the street I should ask him what he meant, but he is asleep. I hope I can be with him forever, he is way better than my last owner.

I wonder if he has any food, its been a while since I've eaten, but it will have to wait till morning I guess. I wonder if he will care if I jump onto the bed, heck I am going to do it anyways

Chase jumped onto the bed and Ryder pulled him into a hug and Chase curled up close knowing it was the right choice.

Ryder POV

This dog is awesome, I love that he is on my bed I hope my parents let me keep him.. I am surprised the vision was true.

That means if this one was true then the other ones might be too, I don't want them to be I am not ready for this.

Ryder started to cry and Chase wondered what was going on as he licked the tears,

"Sorry I just had a bad thought" Ryder said to his new pup, "Its okay Ryder sir! thank you for finding me do you want to talk about it?" Chase asked. "Wow you can talk that is so cool! Do you have a name?" Ryder asked, "Oh um I don't know" Chase said, "Okay well I am going to call you Chase" Ryder said. "I love it Ryder sir! Chase" Chase said smiling at his new owner.

Ryder was silent for a few minutes but Chase knew he was was still awake, "Ryder sir when you said you had a vision of me what did you mean?" Chase asked. "Its hard to explain I didn't know what it meant at first either, but like a week ago I saw you in the street and it was all in my head. I saw the exact time and location in my head. So I chanced it and went there and it was true" Ryder said. "Awesome well I am glad that you did, I was scared" Chase said, "I know but you don't have to be anymore Chase I will always take care of you" "Thank you Ryder sir, do you have something to eat?" "Oh um yeah hang on" Ryder ran out of the room and brough back some leftover steak for Chase. He ate it happily wagging his tail the whole time, and they both fell asleep.

Ryder had another vision in his sleep and this one scared him he knew the exact date and time and he needed to fix it. He glanced at his clock it was 7 am and he decided to get up and find his parents. He found them in the kitchen, "mom" Ryder said as he entered the kitchen, "morning darling how was your sleep" "not good mom I need to talk to you" "I am all ears honey" Amethyst said as Leo entered the kitchen and sat down to listen as well.

"I had a vision mom and I am scared" Ryder said, "I know all about your visions honey and I am sorry you are having them" Amethyst said. "I am worried that its going to come true, I mean the one were I found Chase did" "What was the vision about son?" Leo asked, "A fire in our house and you and mom never make it out" Ryder said with tears. Amethyst sighed she knew that it would most likely come true. "Ryder baby lets not worry about that right now, for now your father and I have something to tell you" Amethyst said. Ryder was ready he just hoped they were going to tell him how to stop his visions.

Amethyst POV

I am so hoping he takes this well, I wasn't expecting him to ever have to deal with us dying but he will be okay.

"Ryder honey, after your father and I met weird things started happening, I found out he was not exactly human. It didn't stop me from loving him of course but it changed the dynamic of the world" Amethyst explained. "What do you mean not human?" Ryder asked confused, "Ryder your father is a demon and a very powerful one, you are also half demon, and I am a witch making you the only demonic wiccan" Amethyst said. "What does that mean?" Ryder asked, "It means you are very powerful, and now that you are showing your powers it is time you heard about the prophecy" Amethyst explained.

Ryder had so many questions I could see the wheels turning in his brain, I wanted this to go well for him but I can sense his panic. I look over to my husband and I knew he was worried.

"Ryder after your father and I had you, a prospect visited and told me of a prophecy that I never wanted to believe" Amethyst said as she started to cry. Leo took over, "The prospect said that a boy and a team of 7 would be able to stop the evil that lurks about. She said When the moon turns red, blood will be shed as only one can live on earth. A meteor will pass through a town making both strong. Once this happens a duel will commence and only one will be victorious" Leo said. Ryder looked at his parents, "I don't understand" he said, "We don't either as we don't know when this will happen, but you will Ryder" Leo said.

"What about my vision" Ryder said, "its nothing to worry about right now honey go get ready for school" Amethyst said. Ryder left super confused and he hated that he had to go to school when his head was spinning

"When are you going to tell him that his visions will always come true?" Leo asked his wife. "I am not going too, he doesn't need to worry that we will die here. He has enough on his plate as it is" she said as she went to get dressed.

Chase overheard this and he worried for Ryder he didn't know how he would handle his parents actually dying.

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