Chapter 10

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Chase POV

Ryder seemed sad, where did he even go? I mean I can't exactly stop him since I am only his pet. I feel like there is more to his powers than he is telling us, I am worried.

"Everything okay with Ryder Chase?" Rocky asked, "I am sure its fine, but I don't really know" I said to him, all the pups were here now I think we could all feel something was wrong. I just hoped he would tell us because honestly I was not ready for him to fight in this duel.

I am not sure what the hell we all just heard but it was coming from Ryder's room, "What is that?" Ahri asked, "I don't know" I said as we went to his door and I tried to get in. Ryder's door was locked and we could hear him screaming and crying or something it didn't sound normal.

Ryder POV

What is happening to me! UGH! why does it hurt so much please make it stop! "Ryder honey you are letting your demon side control you, where is your necklace!" Amethyst yelled at her son he was screaming pretty loud. "I don't know, mom make it stop!" Ryder said as his body was shifting into his demon form and it was a very painful process the first time it happens, "why did you take it off!" Amethyst said knowing this could kill him, she needed to get Katie there and fast as she would be the only one to be able to weaken him enough. 


Katie POV

I am not sure what it was about Ryder drinking my blood that weirded me out more the fact that I offered or that he enjoyed it. I of course just felt myself willingly agreeing to it and that scared me, what was it about this boy.

I felt the sudden urge to go see him and felt myself moving towards the lookout, I didn't know if I was walking there on my own or if some sort of force was pushing me too. 

I heard the screams as soon as I walked up to the door, it didn't sound good, "Rocky can you unlock his door" I found myself saying. "Yes but what is going on?" Rocky said, "I will find out, just get me in there" I said even though I was terrified. Rocky was able to unlock the door and I entered the room and shut it behind me.

Ryder was on the floor his body was quivering and it looked like he was transforming, "Ryder" I said. "Katie make it stop please make it stop!" Ryder said he was clearly crying, I felt bad and I knelt beside him and tried to help. "I need my necklace" Ryder said, "What?" I said, "it has 3 red stones" Ryder said, I was able to find it in his bathroom and I slipped it around his neck. It was as if he instantly stopped shaking and his brown eyes looked at me I could have sworn they were red just a second ago. He looked so small and vulnerable at this moment and a part of me wanted to give him whatever he wanted.

"Thank you" Ryder said, "your welcome but what was that?" I asked him, "my demon side is stronger than I thought and after drinking your blood he wants to come out, I should never have taken the necklace off" Ryder said. "What does it do?" I asked, "it keeps the demon at bay I guess, I am sorry but thank you for helping me" Ryder said to me, I smiled at him and kissed him. 

I have no idea why I did that it was like a fire ignited me and made me do it, "I am sorry" I said, "its okay" Ryder said I felt such a strong connection to him and it as only getting stronger the longer I was with him. "Why do you affect me so much?" I found myself asking him, "what do you mean?" Ryder asked even though he knew the answer. "I just feel like I am meant to be with you, and there is something I can't resist" Katie said. "I guess I just have that affect, thank you for helping me Katie" Ryder said. 

I felt like he was hiding something but I also felt like he was asking me to leave and I didn't want to upset him. "I will see you tomorrow" Ryder said to me, "yes tomorrow" I found myself saying as I left the lookout and the pups still looked confused. I didn't know why I was doing as he asked but I just felt like I needed to.

Ahri POV

I looked Ryder over when he came out and he seemed okay, I didn't see anything wrong. "Ryder are you alright?" I asked him, "I am good, I just had a little visit from my demon side and it was my fault. I promise I am not hurt" Ryder said.

I was still unsure the screams would haunt me forever, I guess I just picture him as a boy even though he is far from that. I know he is unique and there are somethings even I can't do to help him but I worry. I am not sure if that is the doctor in me or if it something else but I worry for everyone all my family.

Ryder fell to his knees and I knew he was having a vision I just hoped it didn't mean he was dueling that evil thing yet. I know me and the pups were so not ready for that to happen yet, but I also knew there wasn't a meteor shower for a while so we should be okay.

Ryder POV

I knew instantly this was going to be bad, I finally saw the red moon, I had some time I think as I looked a lot older in my vision. I knew my pups were worried about me, I needed to reassure them I was fine.

"I know you guys are worried but I discovered something else about myself, and I want to show you" I said to them. They all sat in front of me as I cut my hand I heard Ahri gasp but within a few seconds my hand healed as if nothing happened.

"Wait you can heal?" Marshall said, "yes I think more severe injuries will take more time but I will heal as long as I feed my demon side" I said. "Feed your demon side?" Skye said, "oh um well yes in order for me to keep him happy he needs blood, but I don't want that to scare you guys" Ryder said. "It doesn't Ryder sir we all love you, but whose blood?" Chase asked me, "anyone's really but Katies is the best" I said with a blush.

I knew that they probably thought something was going on between the two of us but I also knew she was mine. I wanted to know how Katie felt about me and I knew getting her to tell me was out of the question. I needed to shapeshift, I would have to do it later as I didn't want to be caught or seen. 

If anyone knew that I was shifting into them it could cause a lot of problems, my pup pad rang and I knew it was a call. Since I didn't have a vision I knew it was something my pups could handle, "Ryder here" I answered.

"Ryder, it is a disaster!" Mayor Goodway said, "what is wrong Mayor?" I asked her, "Town hall is a mess and there is a photographer coming soon to take pictures and there is garbage and dirt everywhere" Mayor Goodway said. "The pups and I are on it Mayor, Paw patrol to the lookout!" I said. "Paw patrol ready for action Ryder sir!" Chase said, "Mayor Goodway needs our help cleaning up town hall, Rocky I need you to use your truck to clean up the garbage" I said, "Green means go!" Rocky said, "Marshall you will help water the tulips so that they look good and Rubble to help with the dirt" I said. "I am fired up" Marshall said, "Rubble on the double" Rubble said as we drove to town hall. 

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