Chapter 3

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Ryder POV

I followed my parents to the living room, my dad was holding some necklaces. I didn't know what this meant.

I could tell my mom had been crying I knew my vision was happening soon and we needed to get out of the house.

"Mom, dad what is going on?" I asked,

"Ryder honey I love you so much and you are going to be okay" Amethyst said,

"Why do I feel like you are saying goodbye" Ryder said as a tear rolled down his cheek,

"Ryder these necklaces are for each member of your team, seeing as how Chase is the first one I feel like they will all be dogs. These necklaces will help you keep them safe and you will be able to know their exact location. This red necklace is for you, and it is very important you keep it on at all times it will keep the demon side calm. This heart necklace I will explain to you when you get older for now just hold onto it" Amethyst said as Leo handed them over.

"I don't want this please don't leave me" I said to my parents, they weren't exactly helping me understand. My dad looked at me and sighed,

"Ryder there is nothing we can do the prophecy is in play and when you see the red moon you will know it is time. Remember that you must defeat him in order to keep living, or he will defeat you as you both can't live together on earth. I know this is not helpful but listen to your visions Ryder they will help you along the way. Your father and I love you so much honey and we will always be with you" Amethyst said as she hugged him.

"Please don't let my vision come true, mom please" Ryder said,

"Okay honey, its time for bed, you are going to need your sleep in order to test out of high school tomorrow" Amethyst said. 

I felt my dad pick me up and carry me to my room, I also felt my mom beside me she was stroking my hair. She knew this helped me sleep, I was still crying it was as if my parents were saying goodbye.

I felt Chase on my bed, he was wearing one of the necklaces my dad was holding, despite my best efforts to stay awake and keep an eye on my parents I couldn't. 

I drifted off to sleep and I knew my mom had something to do with it her being a witch and all. I felt a kiss on my forehead and was snoring soundly.


He took it better than I thought, but this whole thing still terrifies me I know my wife will do whatever she can to keep an eye on him somehow. 

She will be able to watch over him for us both, I on the other hand will be sent back to the underworld when I die and will have no way of leaving. I sighed I would have no way of knowing the fate of my son after all of this. 

I sat next to my wife and she comforted me just like she did Ryder,

"Leo I know you are worried but I trust in the prophet and even though I wish we had more time with him I believe this will work" Amethyst said

"I am just not ready to be gone, I need more time with you and him" I told her,

"I know my love but I will figure out a way for us all to be together again, just know that I love you" Amethyst said as she cuddled me close.

We both ended up falling asleep.

The next morning Ryder woke up it was the first time in forever he slept peacefully he knew his mom's magic had something to do with that. 

He dressed and ran downstairs with Chase in tow, Ryder was going to graduate from high school today and he was only 8 years old. 

"Mom, I am scared to go to school" Ryder said, "Why?" Amethyst asked him, "the fire mom! I need you to promise me you will get out" Ryder said. "Just concentrate on your test today baby, I love you so much" Amethyst said to him giving him a hug and kiss. "That was not a promise mom" Ryder said, "I love you, Chase will take you to school" Amethyst said as she pushed him out the door.

"Why is she doing this? She knows that the fire is happening it is like she wants to die" Ryder said with anger. "It will be okay Ryder sir" Chase said trying to comfort his owner, Ryder knew he needed to write this test quickly as the fire was happening at 11 am and he needed to make sure his parents were safe.

Once Ryder arrived at the school he was immediately given the test by the principal and Ryder tried not to rush through it he actually wanted to do well. He kept glancing at the clock and the morning was getting away from him he had another vision. 

Ryder just started to cry in the middle of his test as his vision basically just told him his parents didn't make it out alive. "Are you alright?" Principal Edwards asked him, "No, I need to get this done" Ryder said as he continued writing. "There is no need to rush it if you aren't ready we can do it another time" Principal Edwards said, "its not the test, this is easy and I am almost done, I need to get home" Ryder said as he finished the last question and practically threw the paper at the principal and ran out the door.

Chase was waiting for him he knew the fire was happening at 11 am as that is what Ryder told him and he had a feeling it was close to that given the way Ryder was running. Chase was trying to keep up he knew what his mom said and keeping Ryder safe was his main mission in life.

Ryder made it to the house as it exploded and Chase pulled him back with his teeth, "No Ryder sir" he said, "MOM! DAD! NOOOO!" Ryder screamed as he watched in horror as his house went up in flames. Ryder cried as he watched the fire department and this is where he knew he would meet his next pup. Ryder saw the black and white Dalmatian running into the flames and the fire department crew were yelling at him. "Honestly Marshall you are going to get us all killed one day, just hang back" one fire fighter said. Marshall looked sad as he tripped over his gear, he just wanted to help. Ryder walked up to him and gave him a pat, "its okay, Marshall I have a feeling you need a new team" Ryder said. "I do?" Marshall said. "Yes, I could use a fire pup" Ryder said, "I am no good at my job" Marshall said. "That is nonsense you just need a little bit of training and a good teammate to back you up" Ryder said. "I would love to join you" Marshall said, "Good" Ryder said placing a necklace around his neck.

"What is this?" Marshall asked, "it is my way of keeping you safe, I will always know where you are while you are wearing it and be able to keep you safe" Ryder said. "Awesome" Marshall said, "I am Ryder by the way and this is Chase" Ryder said pointing to Chase. "Nice to meet you both" Marshall said, "I also have a collar for you Marshall if you want to be my pup" Ryder said, "I would love to be Ryder" Marshall said as he licked him. Ryder laughed, as he placed the collar on his neck. Ryder looked at his house one last time, he knew his mom's spirit was preventing him from being sad at the moment. 

Chase POV

I am surprised Ryder sir is taking this so well, I expected a huge freak out at this point, now with Marshall on our team we are well on our way.

I know there is supposed to be 7 of us but now where are we going to live. I hope Ryder has a plan, I am a bit nervous. 

"Alright pups we need to get to our new home" Ryder said, "where is that Ryder sir?" I asked. "I am not sure yet a town I saw in my vision called Adventure Bay" Ryder said. "We will be a team there?" Marshall asked. "Yes a rescue team, I just need to talk to the mayor first" Ryder said as he went to figure out way to get to Adventure Bay he needed to collect 2 more pups before leaving though. 

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