Chapter 19

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Katie POV

I was just getting ready for bed when I heard him in my head, "my love come to me" I mean even if I wanted to resist I couldn't. Then he sent me an image of him with no shirt on and damn I just about melted right there, "please my love come to me" I heard him again. At this point how could I say no, I slipped some shoes on and a jacket over my pajamas and walked up to the lookout. 

The pups were cleaning up and getting ready for bed and they all smiled at me as I walked in and saw him. "You summoned me sir?" I said and he smiled, "you are so beautiful, yes spend the night with me please" he said. "How can I resist" I said, "you can't" he said with a smile as he pulled me onto his lap. Ryder started kissing me and it was driving my senses wild. If his kiss could do this I could only imagine what else he could do, "Ryder" I said, "shh Katies okay" he said, continue his kisses and tickling my spine. "Please" I said, "Please take me to my bedroom?" Ryder said as he picked me up and carried me placing me on his bed. He kissed me more and I said his name again "Ryder" "shh Katie it's okay I want you to relax" he said. It was as if he spoke to my soul and I felt myself get comfortable.

I had my eyes closed as he put his hand under my shirt, "are you okay with this Katie?" he asked, "Yes sir" I said knowing I couldn't refuse. There was no point in denying what both our bodies clearly wanted, I didn't know what he was doing but it was like sending me into a puddle of something I could have melted right here on his bed. I literally felt my entire body on edge and it made me want him in the worst way, it felt like he was tickling every nerve in my body and making me wetter and wanting him so badly. Then I felt it and it was amazing as he pushed inside me. I moaned and it literally felt like he answered all my desires. Man what was this boy doing to me it was the most incredible feeling as he pushed and still made my entire body feel like it was tingling and I felt myself explode around him. I am pretty sure he did too as I felt him come out, "you good?" he asked me, all I managed to say was "uh-huh" I was literally floating in the clouds on a major high. That was freaking mind blowing. Ryder pulled me close and we both fell asleep.

Ryder POV

I am pretty sure I was dreaming I not only could hear my mom but I could see her, "Ryder honey I am so proud of the man you are becoming" Amethyst said. "Mom I am scared" I said, "I know honey but you are going to be just fine, the meteor will be a huge part of that. Make sure all your pups and yourself are on the beach. Please keep Katie safe as well as you will need her to remain unharmed" my mom said. "Mom how do I know when the red moon is coming?" I asked, "you won't sweetie it will just happen I am not sure but you will probably have some time to prepare, I love you and good luck honey" my mom said as I felt Katie moving beside me. I assumed it was morning. 

I felt her kiss me, "morning my love" I said, "morning you are amazing you know that" she said to me. "You are pretty amazing yourself, I am going to have to ask you to remain here with me today Katie" I said. "Okay but why? I have Cali" Katie said, "I will deal with Cali, please Katie I am not sure what is going to happen and I can't keep you safe if you aren't with me" I said this time a bit stern. "Yes sir I will stay" Katie said, I loved when she knew I meant business she called me sir. I kissed her neck and then bit her lightly taking some of her blood, "Ryder" she said, "no protesting today I need it" I said getting her to relax. I kissed her when I was done, "wait here for me" I said as dressed quickly and ran down to her pet parlor, and when I say run I meant as fast as possible. I transformed into a cheetah again and was there withing 5 seconds, becoming human again as I unlocked the door. I fed Cali and grabbed Katie a change of clothes and her toothbrush. "Stay safe Cali" I said as I pet the grey Persian and she meowed she was a bit frightened of me and I didn't blame her. 

I made it back to the lookout carrying everything in my mouth, the pups were just waking up and I went back to my room. "You went to my place?" Katie asked, "of course I fed Cali she is good by the way and I brought you this stuff" I said placing it down in front of her. "I want you to wait for me a sec I just need to get the pups organized" I said leaving her again. 

I poured the pups breakfast and they all knew Katie was here they never did see her leave, "Ryder are we doing anything today?" Skye asked, "not sure Skye I haven't seen anything and I think its partly due to the meteor shower things are a bit fuzzy" I said. "Oh okay" Skye said, "you guys do your thing I will let you know when I know something" I said heading back to my room.

Katie hadn't moved from the bed, I told her not too so it was not a surprise, "Ryder what do you plan on doing?" Katie said, "everything Katie you are mine" I said pushing her onto my bed and kissing her again. I was making her moan and I knew how I affected her, she couldn't deny me and she was mess with how I was making her feel. We ended up having sex again and this time I made it even better for her. Katie was breathing hard by the end of it as she had several orgasms, "get yourself together my love them come out" I said as I left my room.

Katie POV

Man he is amazing, why was I so scared of him doing that before. I feel like I am on top of the world and he makes me feel incredible. I knew today was affecting him though and he seemed nervous. I had no idea what was happening but the fact that he told me to stay here meant he was worried for my safety. I totally get that and I was in no place to question him, this necklace basically made me his slave. I couldn't even if I wanted to take it off, it was like everything he said to me I automatically did it without even thinking. I didn't mind though I loved him so much and I would do whatever he asked no questions asked. I dressed and brushed my teeth before exciting the bedroom, all the pups were outside playing and Ryder handed me some food,

"Katie I have a few things to take care of, and I am going to need you to make sure you don't talk to anyone or leave the lookout" Ryder said to me, I nodded knowing he was using his control, "I mean it Katie I don't know who is possessed out there and I can't risk anyone knowing you are my weakness" Ryder said. "I know Ryder I promise I will stay here" I said, "Good I will have the pups keep and eye on you and I will be back my love" Ryder said as he kissed me and left me there longing for more. 

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