Chapter 11

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The pups managed to clean up town hall "You are all such good pups" Mayor Goodway said as she smiled at Ryder. "They are whenever you need us Mayor just yelp for help" Ryder said as they all drove back to the lookout.

Ryder gave the pups their dinner and sat with them in the lookout he wanted them to be asleep before he tried anything. "Alright pups time for bed" Ryder said as he noticed it was getting dark,

"Ryder sir have you seen the red moon in your visions yet?" Chase asked, "No Chase I haven't" Ryder said even though he just lied he hoped he could get away with it knowing it was not for a while.

The pups all went to bed and Ryder shifted he was able to get out easily as he could shift into anything he wanted. He decided being one of Katie's friends would be the best. Ryder shifted into Megan and walked into the pet parlor.

Katie POV

I was freaking out on the inside I just couldn't figure out what it was about Ryder that made me feel this way. I heard the door open and I turned around to see Megan, "hey Megan what are you doing here?" I asked, "just came to check on you" Megan who was really Ryder said. "I am good" I said, "are you sure?" Ryder said.

I sighed knowing that she could see right through me and I wasn't sure but I felt like lying to her was not an option. "I just feel like I am in over my head" I said, "what do you mean?" Ryder asked, "promise this stays between us?" Katie said, "of course girl" Ryder said he was trying to seem like he really was Megan.

"I think I might be in love, I mean I know I am only 11 but I can't help it!" I said, "oh wow who are you in love with?" Ryder asked her. "I am not sure if you know him but his name is Ryder" I said, "the paw patrol leader yeah I heard of him" Ryder said. "I just can't breathe when I am with him and its like he can see right through me its hard to explain" I said to her. "I get it sort of I guess. What do you plan on doing?" Ryder asked, "Oh my gosh nothing, I can't ever tell him, he is different and not in a bad way. I just um its hard to explain" I said. "Okay then well, I need to go Katie call me anytime" Ryder said as he left the shop.

That was so weird, why did she even come here, I know it wasn't to check on me or find out my secret. I am losing it, even with Megan in the room I could feel Ryder. I feel like he is always watching me and maybe he is I mean he is not exactly normal I wonder if he can read my thoughts. Oh my god I need to stop thinking about him.

Ryder POV

I at least knew now that Katie was in love with me even though it scared her, I needed to reassure her that I would never hurt her. I loved her too more than I could explain as my emotions were heightened when she was around.

I knew it was the demon that made me feel this way for her, ugh he was hungry I could feel him. I knew I couldn't keep drinking Katies' blood either I didn't want to hurt her, I ran into the forest and found a deer. I was easily able to take it down and this surprised me as it literally just let me, I felt like it was to easy. I drank enough blood to sustain me for a little bit but I knew it wouldn't last. I decided to head home to bed, I dreamt of Katie and smiled as I knew I had her heart.

Over the next little bit I made sure to let Katie know she didn't need to be scared, I was always there for her. I made her feel at ease with me and I could feel her falling more in love with me which was what I needed. 


Ryder and Katie are now 13, and everyday Ryder as getting stronger and stronger and Katie was falling more in love.

Ryder POV!

I woke up with a start, I smiled it was finally the day, I grabbed the heart necklace off my nightstand. "You will be mine forever Katie" I said to myself as I dressed and made sure the pups were fed. I knew now that as I was getting older the meteor shower would be happening soon, I had Everest and Tracker now even though they lived elsewhere. I felt like all these pups would be playing a part in helping me. I knew the evil or whatever the hell it was is getting stronger I can feel it. It still scared me but I was not afraid as I was also getting stronger. I had all my abilities now and I was finally going to get my girl!

This excited the demon inside me and I could feel myself smile as I saw a mission, it was weird I did this one on my own. As soon as it happened I knew why it was dangerous, and I would never let my pups go into something like that. "PAW patrol to the lookout!" I said I didn't even need to be called I knew this was bad. "PAW Patrol ready for action Ryder sir, fire pup style" Chase said. "Yes Marshall you will lead this mission but I under no circumstances want any of you to go inside the building! I mean that as an order and I will not allow it, I don't care who is inside do you hear me?" I said a little aggressively. "Yes Ryder" the pups all said, "what if someone is inside and hurt?" Ahri asked me. "I will bring them out, just please okay this fire is bad and I just want you to help Marshall put it out" I said. "You can't go into the fire Ryder!" Marshall said, "I will be fine Marshall remember I can heal and you can't" I said sternly. The pups didn't question me after that they knew I would be okay as we went to the fire.

I knew it was bad I could feel the heat as soon as we got there, "Marshall get water on it fast" I said as I ran inside. I couldn't see anything but I could hear people, I think that my senses started to kick in and was able to bring everyone out. I collapsed outside the building. This is where I lost sight of my vision and I knew I was in trouble. All I knew is that I saved everyone inside, and then after that everything was unclear. 

Chase POV

RYDER! I yelled I knew he was in trouble we were able to get the fire out and I saw him collapse after bringing another person out. He looked bad, "AHRI!" I yelled getting her attention, she ran over and took over. I was impressed her medical knowledge was insane, "he is not healing" Chase said, "he needs blood remember" Zuma said, "how are we supposed to give him that?" I said feeling like it was not an easy task, "Katie, he said hers was the strongest" Skye said as she went to get Katie and we managed to get Ryder back to the lookout.

He was still burned badly and barely alive as Katie arrived with Skye, she cut her hand and put it near Ryder's lips. It was weird as soon as her blood hit his lips I saw him move and he started drinking it, and his body was healing. It was as if nothing ever happened, Ryder opened his eyes and we were all relieved. 

"Ryder sir what was that?" I asked him, "nothing thank you my love" Ryder said to Katie, his love what the hell are they together. Katie blushed as Ahri wrapped her hand, I wondered if Ryder was with Katie now how he would feel about me being with Skye.

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