Chapter 42

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Ryder POV

I was not sure if I had even left yesterday now to check the town but one thing I did know for sure is that I needed to talk to the princess. After giving the pups their breakfast I called her, "Ryder I am so happy to hear from you" she squealed on the other end. "Yes princess I was wondering are you coming to Adventure Bay?" I asked her, "no I wasn't planning too did you need me too?" she asked, "no its fine I just had a dream is all thank you I will bring the sword back to you in a few days" I said. "No rush take your time" she said as I hung up, now I knew for sure that it was the Leviathan that I saw and I looked at the sword wondering if it was at all possible.

"What are you thinking Ryder?" I heard Rocky come up to me, "nothing I was just wondering if this could kill all supernatural" I said. "According to the lore of it from what I read it can, it a very powerful little sword" Rocky said. "Yeah I almost don't want to give it back to the princess" I said, "is she asking for it back?" Rocky asked me, "no I just she might want it eventually" I said. I saw the limo coming up the driveway and I knew instantly what was happening, "well looks like she is coming to collect it" Rocky said, "Weird she never said she was coming" I said trying to play along. "Ryder so good to see you again" the leviathan disguised princess said as she hugged me. It felt awkward knowing I knew it wasn't really her. 

Katie came out and I could feel her anger, she was jealous but she wouldn't be in a second, "yes it is good to see you again" I said back to her. "I came to get the sword back the Earl is angry at me for letting it go" she said. "Right well let me just go and get it then" I said giving the pups a look to keep and eye on her. "Hurry back I need to get going" the fake princess said, I pulled Katie with me, "you have the knife right there" she said to me once we were out ear shot. "She is not the real princess, I need to kill it" I said. "What are you kidding?" Katie said, "no I think its the leviathan and I need a distraction" I said. "Easy" Katie said as she walked out and I had no chance at stopping her, "What gives you the right to touch my man" she spat at the fake princess. "Excuse me" the fake princess said, "you heard me Ryder is mine so paws off bitch" Katie said and I was able to sneak around and get in behind the leviathan without it noticing me. "I am not here for your man, I am here for what is mine" the leviathan said. "That is the thing it is not yours and I think you deserve to feel it" I said stabbing the princess leviathan in the heart.

All the pups gasped as they watched none of them knew it wasn't her, the leviathan turned into may forms before it settled on its true form. It was a very ugly looking creature as I died in front of me, I was glad this outcome was so much better than my vision. "How did you know it wasn't the princess Ryder sir?" Chase asked me impressed with me, "I had a vision and I just sort of changed the outcome" I said pulling the sword out satisfied he was dead now. "Marshall think you can burn this?" I asked him, "my paws are red hot" he said as he went to the lookout to get his mighty powers and melted the leviathan into nothing.

"How did he escape his prison?" Rubble asked, "I don't know but he is dead now and I think I might keep this sword" I said. "Don't we need to give it back?" Ahri asked, "we will but I am going to create a duplicate" I said. "interesting" Rocky said, I already knew I could do it thanks to my dream. "Chase can you do me a favor and go check out Mayor Humdinger's lair and let me know if he is there or not" I said. "Sure thing Ryder sir" Chase said as he went to get his super speed and took off in a flash. 

I had another vision and this one was way into the future and it made me smile as Chase and Skye played with their pups. I also noticed a few more pups added to the mix as Marshall and Ahir both had little ones of their own. I also noticed a very pregnant Katie in my vision and I couldn't help but smile. It was in this moment I knew there were no more threats and my family was going to be alright. Chase came back, "it is abandoned Ryder sir, there is no one there" Chase said. "Thanks Chase" I said as I kissed Katie and the pups went to play while Katie and I went inside. "You going to tell me what that vision was all about?" she asked, "nope it is a secret but it was a good one" I said. "It did have you smiling" she said, "yes it did and I can't wait" Ryder said kissing her and taking her into their bedroom. He knew it wasn't happening anytime soon but he couldn't help but picture a few children of his own. 

The future of the Paw patrol was bright and so was Katie and Ryder's, there were no more threats and Ryder was now wiccan only. The prophecies are complete and Ryder can now live his life in peace with his ever growing family. 

The End

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