Chapter 24

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Ryder POV

I felt a little bad about making the town hide but I knew it was the only way for them to be safe. I couldn't do 10 things at once and their safety was important to me. I also didn't really want to hurt anyone I knew, then it occurred to me Mayor Humdinger, "Skye fly over to Foggy bottom for me and check on Mayor Humdinger, if he seems off at all call me" I said. "This puppies going for a spin" Skye said as she took off and Chase gave me a look, "What?" I said, "did you seriously just send her over to Mayor Humdinger alone?" Chase said, "go with her then" I said and Chase took off so fast it was like a blur. "I am sure Skye would have been fine on his own" Everest said, "I agree but he is protective I guess" I said walking into the lookout, Katie was cooking. "Smells amazing love" I said, "its the least I can do, I am so bored" Katie said, sorry I just don't know any other way to protect you and I figured you being here was better than being locked in the bomb shelter at town hall" I said. "Wait who is in the shelter?" Katie said, "everyone I locked them in their about an hour ago" I said. "What why?" Katie asked, "to keep them safe and so when the demon does come I don't have to hurt anyone I know" I said. "Makes sense I guess" Katie said.

"Ryder sir, Mayor Humdinger is not here" Chase said into his pup tag, "where is he?" I asked stupidly I mean how would Chase know that. "I don't know but it doesn't look like he's been here for a while" Chase said. "Okay both of you come back then" I said knowing there was nothing I could do. I mean a part of me did care a little bit but then again a part of me didn't care either. "My love I am hungry" I said, "food will be ready soon" Katie said, "not exactly what I had in mind" I said. Katie rolled her eyes but she tilted her head for me, "thank you love" I said as I shifted my teeth and drank her blood. I took just enough to keep my demon side happy and I kissed her as I fell to my knees.

"Ryder get ready honey" I heard my mom's voice, I felt myself get a huge surge of energy I wasn't sure what was happening. "Mom?" I said, "it is your power Ryder it is now active, you are very strong and have immense power you are ready my boy" my mom said. I stood up and Katie was looking at me. 

I walked outside and saw it, it was like nothing I had seen before, the pups were staring at it too. "It changed so suddenly Ryder" Rocky said, "its time pups get ready, remember your stations" I said as a man I didn't recognize walked up to the lookout. 

"Finally we meet" the voice said, "I guess, its better than you being in my head" I said a little annoyed. "Let me introduce myself I am Goliath and I am very excited to destroy you" Goliath said. "I am pretty sure that won't be happening, pups get ready" I said as Goliath literally leaped towards me. I was prepared though as I avoided him, "CHASE!!" I said trying to snap him into his task as Katie was too close for comfort. "No let her watch her boyfriend die" Goliath said, Chase finally moved as he and Rubble managed to get Katie inside the lookout.

"Ryder how do you like my moon beautiful isn't it?" Goliath said, "what we are going to small talk now?" I said using his distraction to send a bolt of lightning towards him, "really is that all you have?" Goliath said, "I have a lot more actually I just wasn't sure how strong you were" I said. "Okay well let's see then" Goliath said as he rushed me, I was sort of caught off guard but I put up a shield and he smacked into it. I laughed a little, "you are getting on my nerves kid" he said. "Really can't handle it?" I asked taunting him. 

"You are stronger than I expected" Goliath said, "I guess your moon as you called it made me strong too" I said channeling as much power as I could and making myself big. "What the hell?" Goliath said. "I figured we needed to be on equal playing field, no magic, no weapons just you and me man to man" I said, "you are considering yourself a man?" he asked me, "Whatever just fight me" I said. He didn't need to be told twice as he came at me I dodged it and punched his square in the jaw. Normally that would have hurt me but it didn't, "Rocky! move a foot to your right" I said noticing something falling towards him. It missed him by a hair, "woah thanks Ryder" Rocky said.

"Look you can't hurt them, I know its coming" I said. "You are right the only thing I really need to do is convince you to join me" Goliath said. "That will never happen" I said, "really I am pretty sure I can awaken that demon you are hiding inside you, plus all demons obey me even your dad Ryder" Goliath said. "I will never join you" I said, "we will see" Goliath said as he closed his eyes and it looked like he was chanting. 

All of a sudden I was on my knees, he was pulling my demon side out, it hurt I wasn't going to lie. I couldn't let him do this I had power I needed to do something, I channeled Rocky and dropped a sledgehammer on him. "BOY!" he said he shook it off of himself, it barely did anything, I ran fast and I needed a plan. If he brought my demon side through I would lose for sure, this necklace was helping a little, "mom dad I need help please" I said, "you can do it baby I know you can I can't help you" my mom said. "He is going to make me evil" I said, "he won't just be strong Ryder you can do this" my mom kept sending me encouraging words. I saw Katie and she screamed, I knew he was going for her I needed to get back. 

I needed to stop hiding from him and win this war that he started, I shifted into a bear and used Chase's speed. I made it their in record time and jumped at him as I heard Katie scream, "Don't you touch her" I said as I shifted back into myself and used a tool of some sort and stabbed him. "You think that is going to destroy me?" Goliath said as he flung me off as if I was a rag doll and tossed me across the yard, I hit a tree. He was stronger than I expected and I knew things were only just going to get harder. 

I knew using the Latin phrase wasn't going to do anything at this point either as he charged me again. This time I was ready and he smacked into the tree that he threw me at, he was disorientated for a second. I channeled Rubble and punched him as hard as I could and he fell backwards. I in this moment had the upper hand but I was getting to confident and I felt myself falling. He pushed me off the cliff but then I was back standing on my feet and I saw Zuma at the bottom of the cliff he used is power to push me back up. 

"Looks like we are going to be doing this a while" Goliath said, "I have all night" I said as we kept fighting, I knew he would get weaker some how, I tried thinking of a way to destroy him, I needed a special weapon. My wiccan side was becoming stronger as it was thinking of a plan, while he tried to force out the demon. In this moment I didn't know what side would win but it was either I chose good or evil there was no going back once it happened. 

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