Chapter 25

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Chase POV

All though I was supposed to be making sure Katie was safe, Rubble, Katie and I couldn't help but watch Ryder. We all winced when he hit that tree, but he stood up as if it barely even phased him. It was as if he knew what he was doing, at least we all hoped he did, I mean when he came back as that bear even Katie screamed. I just was worried about him I really didn't know if I should even be watching. "Ooof that had to hurt" I heard Rubble, "what?" I said as I stopped watching, "Ryder tossed him to the ground" Rubble said he sounded proud of our owner. I guess I could watch a little bit more. 

I heard my pup tag go off, "Chase I need your net!" I heard Ryder say, I ran out onto the balcony and said "Ruff net" and my energy net shot out towards Ryder. It trapped the man perfectly, "perfect aim Chase" I heard Ryder say. I smiled as I watched him more even though it pained me watching him get hurt I couldn't bring myself to look away.

Ryder POV

Man he just doesn't let up I had Chase trap him briefly so I could think for just a second, what could I use. I needed a plan, and then I felt him punch me, damn it why was he just wouldn't stay down. "I am winning Ryder" he said, "ha that is what you think" I said as I shot a fire ball at him, I guess Marshall was being channeled that time. It finally hit me what I needed, "Zuma, I need a blast of water, Everest freeze" I said as he started chasing me. "Let's do the wave" Zuma said shooting water behind him, "I am ready for the big chill" Everest said and they trapped him in ice. "Yes good job pups" I said.

I had exactly 10 seconds to do what I needed, "Rocky I need a sword" I said as he created one with his energy tools, "Green means glow" he said handing it to me, "pups I need you all to touch it" I said. All my pups came and just at the right moment, I realized I left Katie alone for a few seconds but I was determined. "Now you are going to pay kid!" Goliath screamed at me as he finally broke free of his icy prison and I wasn't fast enough he went straight for Katie. "Shit, Katie" I said as I ran towards her and of course he used some sort of blast of energy and he shot it at me. It hit me hard knocked the wind at me, the pups ran towards Katie but he stopped them too, "Ahri help them!" I said noticing a few of them were hurt, I stood up and said "Goliath let her go!" as he had Katie it looked as if she fainted at least I was hoping that was the case. 

I took my newly charged up weapon and charged at him with it, if this didn't work then I was out of options. Not only did it have the pups powers but it also had mine and I put all my energy into it, "I have had it with you!" I said as I hit him with the sword right in the chest. and I caught Katie as he dropped her, but I didn't realize that he was still moving and he grabbed me pulling me towards him. "I will win" was the last thing I heard him say as he sent a blast of something right at me. It hit me square in the chest and I fell off the balcony of the lookout, Katie thank god didn't come with me. I hit the pavement and closed my eyes. "RYDER!" the pups screamed as they ran towards me. 

Chase POV

Why didn't I shoot my net! I mean I could have at least prevented him from hitting the pavement, now he wasn't moving. Like it happened so fast I wasn't prepared, Ahri was healing my paw and boom he was on the cement. Was the demon thing dead, was Ryder dead? I mean I know only one of them could survive but which one did? The moon was no longer red so I guess that meant this battle was over. We all stood over Ryder and Ahri said, "guys he is not breathing, and my healing isn't working" she said. "He heals on his own though right?" Skye said, I just stared at them trying to process the not breathing part. "We need to do something!" I yelled maybe with a bit to much aggression, "we are trying Chase" Ahri said with just as much authority man she was tough for a little pup. 

We all managed to get Ryder inside, and Ahri healed Katie even though she just fainted, "Oh no Ryder!" she said finally realizing he was hurt, I stared at this guy and I noticed the black smoke that was supposed to be a demon just explode in mid air. Did that mean that Ryder won? The sword he used just vanished as if it wasn't even there and he man sat up, "what happened?" he said as Ahri healed him. "Nothing sir everything is going to be okay" I said as he walked away from all of us. We focused our attention back on Ryder, and he was still not breathing, like what the hell. If this demon was dead why was Ryder, I though one of them was supposed to live. I am so confused and we can't lose him. I watched as Ahri and Marshall did everything they could for Ryder.

Katie POV

What the hell why was he not breathing?  I know that his life was linked to mine did I weaken him when I fainted. I started to cry and I cursed myself I mean how was me crying going to he helpful, I grabbed my necklace and thought of him, "Ryder my king come back to me, please don't die" I didn't know if that would work but I thought it over and over again. Ahri was doing everything she could but her healing power was not working. I mean what did the prophecy say I couldn't remember I didn't have Ryder's brain, I looked at all the pups. "What did the prophecy say?" I asked them. 

" It said, When the moon turns red, blood will be shed as only one can live on earth. A meteor will pass through a town making both strong. Once this happens a duel will commence and only one will be victorious" Rocky said. "Okay and is the demon the one that was victorious?" I asked them, "I don't think so I saw the demon cloud explode, the man walked away unharmed. Whatever weapon he used killed the demon and not the person which is what I think Ryder had planned" Chase said. "Okay but then why is he not breathing" I said with panic. 

"Katie I have him breathing, but I am not sure what is going on, he is supposed to heal on his own. There is nothing more that I can do, maybe the prophecy was wrong?" Ahri said. "No I refuse to believe that Ryder baby please come back to me" I cried into his chest, all the pups sat with me. They were all just as worried as I was but I needed to put all my energy into bringing him back I wasn't going to lose him. I curled up next to him and channeled everything I had as I prayed for him to wake up. 

Ryder POV

What the hell happened? Where am I? Am I dead? Why is everything so dark? "You might of won on earth Ryder but down here I am in control" Goliath said. "Shit" I said was in the underworld I searched for my dad or anyone that could help me  but I think it was just the 2 of us. 

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