Chapter Sixty nine

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"Are you going to work? Or seeing her first?" Byron asked his brother as they strolled down the length of the corridor, ready to leave for the day, breakfast being the only thing left with Mr Charles and Mr Jack behind them.

"Nah, I already had them clear out my schedule for the day, Iris is more important" He answered, both of them rounding a corner.

"Do you want me to come with you? I could help you diffuse the situation if she's really upset about Dad" Byron jokes

"As if you've sorted your own issues out yet" Cameron replies with a snort, causing Byron to shudder in realisation, Gina could be really scary if the need arises.

They couldn't have prepared themselves for what awaited as they got into the dining hall, freezing in their steps as they found the last people they'd have expected; Gina and Iris having breakfast with the other occupants of the Smith Mansion, that is, excluding Midas and Aiden.

They stood rooted in their spots, too stunned to speak as they almost didn't believe their eyes, Mr Charles and Mr Jack taking a seat on the table and leaving both men where they stood.

"Uhhhhh.... What's going on?" Byron drawled out, eyes scanning the room before landing on his brother who stood beside him,  also mirroring his shocked expression.

Sophia placed a warm hand over her husband's, soft smile on her face as she revisited the events of the night before.

"Sophia to be honest with you,i- i had always been sceptical about the people my sons would get as partners" Mr Smith said as they both got comfortable on the soft sheets, Sophia looking at the older with confusion written all over her face.

"You see...... it's not exactly easy being at the top, it's hard to find loyalty and honesty, love always seems like a faraway dream when you've been through what i have from the people you trust, it always just boils down to the money and fame most times, I've been used before too, Sophia and I just felt like it was upon me to protect my sons from going through the same thing as I did" He breathed out, slightly touching the sensitive topic of his past before he'd met her, the woman that made him feel and know love, birthed his kids until fate harshly took her away too.

He took Sophia's hands in his, squeezing them in appreciation as he looked in her eyes, 'I guess I really lucked out again' he thought to himself, wondering what he'd done to deserve another surreal woman to love and cherish after he'd almost lost all hope in love and life. He sighed again as she looked at him, expecting more.

"I know I went there with intentions that are not very nice but on getting there, Sophia those girls.....they really are one of a kind, special in their own ways and I can now understand why my sons would fight me to keep them, I mean, Gina reminded me so much of Byron's mother, she spoke with such suriety surrounding her words, so mature and strong willed, she would be such a reliable and dependable woman and after speaking to her, I could say Byron couldn't have gotten a more beautifully assertive woman to want to be with and Iris, I don't know what it was about her, the way she speaks and expresses herself is something so outspokenly compelling, not only in appearance but in nature too, i can tell she's warm hearted, like a shield and a comfort zone, she would bring peace and serenity to Cameron's usually stressfilled and busy life, so i can admit that it was wrong of me to be like that to them when my sons have indeed found themselves honourable women to spend their lives with and I'm glad they're happy and I would like them to stay happy" He ended solemnly as Sophia stared at him with her mouth open, feeling proud of the older for opening up and admitting his wrongs.

"I'm so sorry" She says with tears in her eyes, pulling him into a hug as she laid on his chest, understanding his concerns and happy the girls proved themselves to him, Mr Smith gently rubbing down her back as he stared into the distance.

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