Chapter Twelve

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“What did you just say?” Cameron repeats, glaring daggers at the female employee whose eyes remained trained on the floor as she quivers in poorly concealed fear.

"What do you mean you lost the proposal we were supposed to submit this morning, because I'd really like to believe I heard that wrong" the anger in his voice was evident and she clears her throat, which did nothing to hide her shaky voice.

''I swear, I had them all this morning when I left home. I think I must've left them on the train in my haste to get to work. I am truly sorry, Sir, I understand just how important this was to us and I never intended to lose them, maybe I c-"

“Stop talking!” she flinches as he rises from his seat, his voice bouncing off the walls of the pristine white office.

“Do you think you’re making any sense right now? You lost a proposal that was due today! And you expect me to just seat here and keep listening to your excuses. And what, you're sorry? DOES IT SEEM TO YOU LIKE AN APOLOGY WOULD CUT IT?! Do you realize just how much this is going to cost us?" The rest of the staff who had been eavesdropping on the conversation flinch from outside the door at that too. They exchange sad knowing looks at that. Already know exactly what that was leading up to, after which they disperse and rush back to their own stations to avoid the same fate.

Iris spares a confused glance at the staff that rushes in from the corner that led to the boss' office but continues going on her way. She walks in after a knock, deciding to stand in a corner and wait for him to finish when she finds him reprimanding a staff, obviously angered. She shakes, feeling the chills at his loud booming voice and felt bad for the woman in front of him. Nobody wanted to be on the receiving end of that.

"You know what? Get out of my face, you are fired!” He barks out, catching Iris by surprise. Sure he had a very bad temper and a reputation for that, but this was actually the first time he'd fired someone in her presence.

Cameron reclaims his seat afterwards, taking a deep breath to calm himself before he resumes to work, but the female staff remained standing there, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Can you leave before you do that? You're causing a distraction. ” He says flatly and she sobs louder.

“Sir, please! I’ve been with this company for over three years and this is my first mistake. I didn't do that because I wanted to and I've always given my best. Don't I atleast deserve a second chance?" She cries, hoping for a miracle at this point. Cameron looks up at her with a scowl.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember asking if you've been working here for 10 or 15 years, do you not get paid for your work? Hardwork is rewarded and inefficiency will not be tolerated too. So please, use the door before I have security escort you out" he was now back to his eerily calm tone, proceeding to ignore her entire existence afterwards and Iris could feel herself burning in anger as her disdain for him grows even more.

After a few minutes and more tears, the staff, sniffles, looking up at him with what could only be described as hatred before walking out of the office.

"And did you develop a new habit of just standing around?” there was no one else in the room for that to be directed at so Iris, who had been staring at him silently sucks in a breath and moved over to his table to drop the files.

Cameron immediately picks it up and got to signing it before dropping them back unto the table. She picks them back up with an internal sigh, ready to walk away when he calls again.

"I'd like a cup of coffee"

“Okay boss,” She replies, wasting no more time in getting out of his presence. On getting outside, she finds a safe corner to scream into before going about making his morning coffee.

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