Chapter Twenty-six

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Michael runs into another guard at his usual stargazing spot in the backyard, having found his way there after tossing and turning in bed for hours and still not getting taken by sleep.

On meeting someone else there, he half considers just going back in, but the guard had already noticed him, so he just makes his way closer and sits on one of the chairs inside the gazebo.

They remain in silence, with the other man taking continuos drags from the cancer stick in his hand while Micheal sighs as he watches the night sky. The guy suddenly extends a hand toward him, Micheal looks down to find it to be a pack of cigarettes and he unhurriedly pulls a stick out with a silent, 'thanks'

"You smoke?" The guy asks, fumbling for something in his pockets before he pulls out a fancy looking lighter.

"Occasionally" Micheal shrugs, letting the controlled flame of the lighter catch the end of his own cigarette.

The guy doesn't say a word after that and they continue to smoke in silence until slowly, they both exhaust the sticks in their hands, tossing the butts into the trashcans in the garden.

The guy gets on his feet soon after, he stretches a hand toward Micheal after dusting it on his suit jacket, "Ivan" he introduces.

Micheal does the same before taking the hand and introducing his self, "Micheal" they get interrupted by the sound of the giant gates of the mansion pulling open and curious as they both were, they find their way to the entrance in time for a red car to stop in the driveway.

A better-than-average looking man immediately hops out, his steps were quick and he looked to be in his twenties at least as his shoulder length curly hair bounces with every step.

"Who's that?" Micheal couldn't help his curiosity as he watches the guy exchange greetings with the guards who stop to search him in an almost familiar manner.

"Midas' hairstylist" Ivan replies, already turning back around and finding his way inside. Micheal remains rooted in his spot until the search session was over and the hairstylist was cleared to go in before he follows after Ivan.


Sofia was up early for breakfast, causing Ma'am Grace to join her so she wouldn't sit at the large table alone, which she was grateful for. Her wounds were healing, but she still had to wear the bandage around her shoulder.

Byron walks in a few minutes later, dressed for work and finds them there.

“Good morning, ma’am. How are you feeling now?” Byron asks Aiden’s mother with a smile before approaching Ma’am Grace and dropping a quick peck on her cheek.

“Good morning!" The woman greets back cheerfully before adding, "And I’m fine, thank you very much. You must be Byron,” she hums with a smile and Byron's features brightens even more if that was possible as he rushes to reply, "The one and only! I'm sure Ma'am Grace here has told you about how much she loves me and how I'm her favorite!" He grins, hugging the older woman to his side who grumbles and rolls her eyes tiredly at his words while Sofia laughs at his antics before he sits to join the duo for breakfast.

Michael was standing next to the car as usual but with a phone against his ear as he awaits Midas the next morning, when the other comes skipping out. It took Micheal exactly a second to notice the difference, Midas was now sporting a new hairstyle, his previously longer hair was now more on the shorter side, with either sides of his head even shorter, tapered, with his hairline so accentuated that it could be seen from a fair distance. Paired with his white tee with a checkered shirt thrown over it and a sky blue joggers, the younger truly looked like an image out of a boyish fashion magazine. Micheal has never really been a fan of magazines but this was definitely what he thought it would look like on the pages and it takes him a while to absorb, he was so caught up with processing the new look he didn't notice the younger was now in front of him.

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