Chapter Sixty two

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Cameron stepped into the spacious halls of Smith Inc., Mr Jack, following sharply behind him.

He politely replied to the greetings of the staff and visitors alike as he walked further in, eyes scanning for a particular someone, a fleeting smile passing on his lips when he noticed her joining the others in greeting him before sinking back into the chair situated at her work station, avoiding his eyes.

Cameron turned on his feet, now deviating from the straight path that led to his office as he approached her desk, the eyes of the staff present following his figure as Iris' eyes seemed to grow larger the closer he was.

"I want you in my office with the files I requested yesterday, immediately please." He said with a straight face before turning and making a beeline for his office doors.

"I don't know what to do to get her to speak to me, she's been ignoring me" Cameron, who was still struggling to suppress his frustration said to Mr Jack as they were now standing in the spacious area of his office.

"I think you should take it easy and  be calm with her, here she comes" Mr Jack stated as he watched her approach the office, the glass demarcator separating his office from the hallways making her easily visible, dropping the files in his possession on Cameron's table before bowing slightly and excusing himself.

Cameron looked towards where she was as her legs carried her closer and closer, steady in her heels and pencil skirt stopping a little above her knees as she hugged a few files to her chest.

He quickly made his way round his table as he turned on the MacBook permanently situated on his desk, pretending to be typing away on it as she finally walked in,  swiftly making her way to the front of his desk, placing the files on it and turning them around to face him, facilely turning around to walk back out.

"Are you just going to leave?" His voice sounded behind her as he got up from his chair taking long strides towards where she now stood, back facing him.

"Do you have something else for me to do, Boss?" She replied nonchalantly, turning around to face him.

"Are you going to continue being like this?" He tiredly breathed out.

"It's working hours, Boss. If that's all, I'll be taking my leave now." She tried to walk forward again as he quickly stood in front of her, blocking her path.

"Iris, If you take a step out of this office, I am going to scream it to the whole board of staff that you're my woman." He dared, waiting for her to give in, only for Iris to lock eyes with him for a couple of seconds before side stepping around him and walking out of the office leaving a stunned Cameron behind, feet planted where he stood.

Iris hastily walked to her desk, about to sit before she felt her wrist being grabbed, almost letting out a screech in shock as she turned around to see Cameron, brain calculating how oddly fast he made it to her desk.

Not caring about the onlooking staff or anybody else, Cameron dragged Iris by the wrist out of the organisation and towards his car as she wordlessly followed, trying to pry her hands away but giving up after failing numerous times.

Mr Jack who noticed Cameron leaving the premises ran up to him as he kept marching towards his desired destination.

"Mr Jack, Postpone today's schedule." He Simply said as he caught sight of the man knowing the cause of his alarm, Mr Jack opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, choosing to not say anything already knowing there was no stopping the man.

He pressed the unlock button towards the car as a click was heard over the beeping noises, gently pushing a still flabbergasted Iris into the passenger's seat before rushing to get into the driver's side. Starting the ignition and speeding away from his company which also happened to be the place of work the person sat next to him, still shocked by the display.

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