Chapter Eleven

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Midas watches his phone ring on the bed next to him with bated breath. It was Jason, calling for what felt like the nth time that day, but Midas really wasn't feeling like talking at the moment.

He decides to do this via text instead, instead of have the other continuing to call, 'I have to get it out of the way and off my mind at one point anyway' he thinks before picking up the device which just added another missed call to the long list of already missed ones.

'Hi Jason' he starts, reading the text out loud as he types it. 'I'm not sure where exactly I'm going with this, but I believe it's only right I get it out. I'll admit that you're someone I've looked up to all through my college years. I've had a big crush on you over the course of these last three years but I can't deny it anymore that my feelings for you have changed. I want you to know this has nothing to do with you, I'm glad I had a chance to get to try and know you better and I'm happy that I get to witness what a great guy you are firsthand. Our first interaction wasn't exactly a great one, but I'm glad you were there to help me out in one of my lowest points. That day at the cafe was my first kiss too. I don't regret the fact that it was you, just the fact that it didn't happen during the time when just the sight of you was enough to have me burning red for hours on end. And it was also the last piece of the puzzle I needed to finally deduce that that chapter of you and I had sadly come to an end. I'm putting this out there now because with that kiss, and the fact that you asked me out again, came the realization that you just might feel something for me, and if that is the case, I am truly sorry, but I do not think I am able to reciprocate them at this point. I'm saying this because I don't want any future misunderstandings, but I'd be happy if we could still be friends. I sincerely apologize if I offended you in any way with this. Please know that this is all me, as I said before you're a great guy!'

He lets out a puff of air as he stares at the message, nibbling on his lower lip as he contemplates hitting send. A knock sounds on the door just then and Ava enters, accompanied by another maid.

“I think you should get dressed, it’s almost time for dinner,” Ava says, already making her way to his closet with the maid close behind.

Midas clicks out of the messaging app, leaving the message as a draft before rising from his bed to join them in looking through his closet. The large space was mostly filled with hoodies and sweaters in various colors and he pouts before edging closer to her to mumble,

“I don’t want to go in a hoodie,” and Ava nods with a smile.

“Of course, and I do not want you to wear one tonight, either,” She replies and they exchange smiles.

Midas checks his self in front of the full length mirror in his room after getting dressed. He was wearing a fluffy white turtleneck under a black jumpsuit, a white beanie protecting his head and a pair of white sneakers on his feet. He nods in content before going to grab his devices from on top his bed and heads out of the room.

In front of his door, he notices Michael approaching from a distance and immediately considers taking another route before his brows furrows and he was questioning himself, ' What? What did I do wrong to be trying to avoid him?' and kept going in the same direction.

Michael who wasn't quick to notice the other finally registers the new presence when he was close enough, raising his head, he looked pleasantly surprised when he says, "Ah, I was just coming to get you,” Midas nods in acknowledgement and continues walking now with Micheal right next to him.

“You look nice.” Michael begins conversationally, prompting Midas to halt in his steps, his head turning to look at Micheal who tilts his head at the look.

“I don’t get a thank you?” the bodyguard asks, the hint of a smile on his face as he searches the other's face.

“No!” Midas huffs before turning around and continuing to walk away and the other misses the tiny smile to himself.

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