Chapter Thirty-three

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Gina exhales deeply, shaking her head at the man who lay splayed on her bed, she sucks in a few deep breaths, exhausted from shouldering his weight all the way in before she decides to get him a little more comfortable. He seemed to still be in work clothes, with the exception of a suit jacket, the crisp white undershirt and belt holding up his still neatly pressed pants were all the tell tale signs she needed. She looks over his burly frame once again, deciding she couldn't begin to undress him, so she just goes for his shoes. She gets the first one off relatively easy, but Gina hadn't exactly had an easy day at work too and when the second one remains snug around his hiked up foot even as she pulled gently, Gina drags with a little more force and when it comes off, it sends her backwards, causing Gina to land unceremoniously on her butt.

With a loud frustrated groan, she contemplates tossing the shoe at Byron's head as the man only twitches slightly in his sleep before he sighs and falls back into a peaceful slumber. She tosses it unto the floor instead and goes to undress, still in disbelief at the scene that had played out in front of her eyes a few minutes ago.


“I- I’m sorry, could you help support him?” Gina wobbles slightly on her feet, calling out to Mr Charles who seemed shocked to an extent too, but on seeing her struggle, he rushes to her side and quickly tears Byron away, forcing him into a more upright position.

Gina winces, stretching her back as she stands upright too and even thanking her stars she'd gone for wedged heels today. She shoots the still staggering man an annoyed look before regarding Mr Charles again, "What's this about?" She asks, "Why is he drunk and at my house?"

"I do sincerely apologize for the intrusion, ma'am, but he was very insistent on coming here." Charles apologizes, tone equally as somber.

"But why my house?" Gina couldn't help asking.

"What do you mean, 'why my house?' " the drunk Byron was speaking up now, obviously dissatisfied at the question, "I wanted to come to your house, so I did.” Byron slurs out drunkenly, flailing his arms angrily as he stepped away from Charles.

“I’m so sorry. I understand we came here uninvited. As I was saying earlier, I’m Charles, his assistant and personal guard.” The older promptly ignores Byron and stretches a hand out for Gina who sighs before bringing hers forth too.

“I'm Gi-“

“That's Geena, Charles!” Byron abruptly cuts her off, a dopey grin spreading across his features as he giggles and announces the rest, “Regeena! My woman!”


"What?!" The exclamation comes from different sides, Gina calls his name to scold and Mr Charles voices his surprise, even though the situation wasn't exactly leaving room for much thought.

"Byron, are you crazy!" Gina scolds again, eyes hard as she glares at the man but Byron just smiles again as he nods at her words.

"I am. Very very crazy, Regeeeena. And do you know why? It's all youuuuu, you're the one to blame!" He points an accusatory finger at Gina before turning to his personal guard, "She's the one, Charles, that's her."

"Who is she?" The man asks, trying and failing to keep Byron steady on his feet as he staggers around.

“She is the one who …hic…” He continues to point accusingly at Gina who is now stumped at the display, watching with wide eyes. “She is the cause of errrthing,” Byron slurs, his words a tangled mess “I dunno wut else she wants me to do. I've been trying," his voice suddenly breaks and he sniffles, "....trying to make her see my honest heart, but guesh what, Mr Charles. She's seeing someone else again!" At the end of his accusing words, he suddenly bursts into tears.

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