Chapter Thirty-one

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The eager and pliant Midas remains, even as he feels a heavily coated finger probe at his entrance for the first time in all his years of life. He tenses up naturally, but with Micheal rubbing along the heated skin of his thigh and murmuring sweet nothings into his ear, Midas feels himself relaxing into the older's hold. The finger moves, there was pain at first but Micheal apologizes profusely, promising he'd do better and how it'll feel good soon, and it does. Even though the finger moves so painfully slow that Midas almost cries from sensitivity, Micheal is firm on his decision to work the younger lose as carefully and slow as he could.

Finally, a finger becomes two and Midas feels the pleasure kick harder, he pushes back unto it, wanting more, even though his face feels like an inferno from the obscene sounds of Micheal's fingers scissoring his lubed up hole and the way Micheal is so focused, staring so intently at his hole all while soothing down his thigh. When three of Micheal's long, thick fingers begin to stretch him out, Midas cries for joy and eagerly fucks back into the finger, even throws in pleas for something more and Micheal finally gives in, red in the face from holding it in for so long too and his face even twists in something like pain when he finally grips his hard, red tipped cock. He strokes his self once, his own precum making the slide easier and his body jerks before he gets comfortable as he could between Midas legs, looks up at the younger and begins to lead his cock to his entrance.

"Wait, wait a minute." He suddenly hears, Micheal looks up at Midas, eyes wide and body stiff.

"What's wrong, Angel?" He asks, voice thick and heavy with arousal, Midas blushes for three reasons.

"I- It's my first time, Michael," Midas breathes out and a corner of Micheal's lips pulls up, despite his still stiff posture.

"I know" he finally rasps out, right before he leans in and kisses the younger again, "It's technically mine too, but I know it's not the same and I can't say it's not going to hurt, but I promise, I'll be gentle. You can stop me at any point if you need" he assures and Midas was only human, he feels his eyes well with tears and the violent tug of his heart asked to be soothed so he nods, with his arms around Micheal's neck, he pulls the man in and seals their lips in a slow, unhurried kiss.

When he pulls away, Micheal wastes no time and his lips closes around Midas' sensitive nipple again, Midas cries out and arches up into Micheal's mouth and body because it was at the same time he feels the bulbous head of Micheal's cock stretch his rim.

Midas hisses loudly when Micheal's dick finally breaches past the tight ring of muscle. Micheal shudders too, only about one fourth of his entire length was in but the heat enveloping his dick was definitely new, it felt so tight and warm that he had to suck in a breath and try reel himself back in, pounding into the whimpering boy right away would probably hurt him.

When he looks up at Midas, he finds a tear to have finally slipped out, his face twisted in pain at the intrusion and Micheal quickly dips back down, on feeling the body heat back on him, Midas immediately hugs Micheal closer to himself, that proves to be a mistake as more of Micheal's length sinks in with Midas' legs closing in around his waist.

"O- oh" Midas moans brokenly, blunt fingers finally breaking the skin of Micheal's shoulder blades as he grips unto it for dear life.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Micheal rasps into his ear, kissing his wet cheek as Midas' heavy breaths hit his neck. Micheal forces himself to remain still while Midas clings to him, his own drooling cock trapped between Micheal's rock hard abs and Midas' own toned tummy. After a while of Midas running his hands all over Micheal's sweaty back while the older whispers praises into his ears, Midas' breathing finally goes back to normal -as normal as it could get with arousal coursing through his entire body in overlapping waves. This time, he pushes his lower half up and grinds into Micheal's length, his ankle digs into the older's lower back and Micheal, already red faced from holding back for so long, feels his entire length sink into Midas' tight heat in one swift motion.

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